DMK’s focus is improving the long-term health of the skin, not on quick fixes. The skin chemistry is an ecosystem and functions similarly to a factory, the product that that factory produces is what you see on the skin’s surface.

The DMK concept REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT and MAINTAIN works to regulate and enhance the internal functions and structures of the skin to maximum capacity.

DMK is the sole company to use transfer messenger enzymes in the signature DMK Enzyme Therapy, which is used as the base of all DMK treatments to oxygenate, strengthen, nourish and tone the skin. To encourage the skin to perform like younger, healthier skin DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy works alongside DMK skin protocols and Home Prescriptive programs to achieve long-term results.

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic our solutions won’t just fix the symptoms, we solve the problem from the root, making sure that your skin’s function is restored to homeostasis. Moreover, we’re focused on restoring your confidence by helping you regain control of your skin.   

We believe that revising skin is a journey that takes commitment and dedication to achieve long term skin health. We love creating healthy, glowing skin but more importantly we thrive off seeing our clients’ confidence grow more and more with each step in their journey.

The DMK System Offers:

  • Advanced treatments for all types of Acne
  • Superior Age Management protocols
  • Effective solutions for addressing Pigmentation
  • Scar revision
  • Highly effective solutions for most stubborn skin conditions
  • Hair Removal Treatment
  • Full Body skin revision treatments
  • Skin Support for other modalities
DMK Signature Enzyme Treatment

DMK’s signature treatment, also known as the “Game of Thrones” facial. Works to oxygenate, detoxify and revise the skin to function as a young, healthy skin does.

Imagine looking down through the top of the skin, think of the inside of the skin like a factory, the product that factory produces is the skin you see on the surface. DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy works to revise the skin to be functioning like a young healthy skin would.

Over 40 years has been spent perfecting DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy, utilising the beneficial effects of transfer messenger enzymes. It encourages blood circulation, oxygenation and the lymphatic drainage system while simultaneously, through reverse osmosis, helping to flush away toxins and free radicals as well as stimulating collagen production. Formulated to be the basis of all DMK Skin Revision treatments to enhance optimal skin function, Enzyme Therapy works to create long-lasting results.

Experience the difference. At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic our DMK skin revision professional will discover your main concerns, thoroughly assess the skin from a functional and structural perspective and tailor a bespoke treatment, combining various DMK formulations, followed by our signature Enzyme Therapy Masque. Not your ordinary facial, we make a difference by doing things differently.

Benefits Of Signature Enzyme Therapy

  • Detoxifies the skin of all impurities to leave a glowing appearance
  • Hydrolyses dead cells, leaving a clearer, cleaner complexion
  • Increases cellular activity, improving skin function
  • Increases oxygenation for tissue regeneration + repair
  • Stimulates the facial muscles to provide an instant lift to tired, sagging skin
  • Nourishes the skin by promoting a healthy blood supply to the skin
  • Encourages new collagen and elastin for tighter, firmer and youthful appearance
  • Flushes out toxins and impurities
  • Smooths out the appearance of scars and rough skin
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin
  • Provides an instant, natural face lift
  • Safe for use on all skin types
  • Assist in addressing any skin concern
  • Compliments other skin modalities to enhance results
What Is DMK Enzyme Therapy?

Enzyme therapy is designed to bring the skin back into balance – homeostasis.  This unique treatment contains living enzymes that stimulate your own natural enzymes to speed up cellular processes within the skin. It delivers fresh nutrients and oxygen to essentially ‘spring clean’ your skin by removing toxins, stagnant blood, lymph build up and dead cell material through the lymphatic system. This true form of oxygen therapy will then improve skin function and strengthen underlying structures by combining state-of-the-art botanical science with innovative technology, DMK has created one of the most advanced skin care systems available.


How Does DMK Enzyme Therapy Work?

The enzymes strengthen the structural integrity of the skin to create a healthy environment for cells to live and thrive in. It essentially exercises facial muscles and works to leave the skin feeling firm while helping to reduce the appearance of acne, scars, sagging and wrinkles to create a tighter, youthful and glowing appearance.

How The DMK Enzyme Therapy Acts On The Skin?

DMK ENZYME THERAPY Treatments act on three very important systems of the body. These are:

  1. The Facial Muscles
  2. The Blood Vessels of the Skin
  3. The Lymphatic System

How The Signature Enzyme Masque Acts On The Skin:

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

We recommend having a series of  4 to 6 enzyme therapy treatments at fortnightly intervals depending on the skin condition that we are revising. Your skin specialist will give you a honest and comprehensive skin program at your initial consultation. This is then followed with maintenance facials performed every month. We acknowledge that your skin is unique, and the quantity and scheduling of facials will depend on your individual needs and requirements. This will be discussed at length with your therapist upon your first appointment to ensure that we can create a bespoke treatment plan and home care regime unique to you.

First Time DMK Client

Before beginning your skin journey our trained aesthetician will analyse your skin condition and concerns before a level one enzyme therapy treatment and a tailored home care plan is recommended.

What Is The Plasmatic Effect Or Visible Red Veins After An Enzyme Therapy?

If you have had a crisscross of red veins appear where your Enzyme Masque was after a treatment that is fantastic! It means that your capillaries have been flushed of toxins and the blood has been loaded up with fresh oxygen and nutrients to deliver to your skin cells. DMK calls this the Plasmatic Effect and it is a great way to determine how optimally your skin is functioning. The stronger the Plasmatic Effect the healthier your skin! It does not hurt, nor does the skin experience any change in temperature due to the Plasmatic Effect. Usually about 10-20 minutes after a treatment the Plasmatic Effect will disappear entirely, leaving you with post Enzyme glowing skin!


DMK ENZYME THERAPY is true oxygen therapy that delivers REAL RESULTS as opposed to the dangers and limited effectiveness of applying oxygen creams (merely peroxides) or spraying the skin with compressed oxygen. The capillaries stand out like a road map-proving the effects of the enzyme treatment goes deep enough for total dilation of the peripheral capillaries.



Can I have DMK treatments and not use DMK Home Prescriptive products and vice versa

DMK’s concept of REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT and MAINTAIN utilises our signature Enzyme Therapy treatments to encourage the revision and rebuilding of new more optimally functioning cells for healthier younger-looking skin. Our Home Prescriptive products then enhance, protect and maintain these results. Only having treatments and not using products or vice versa means we cannot guarantee the incredible results that are possible.

How many treatments are recommended?

The number of treatments you require varies depending on the severity of your skin condition, how long you have had it, and if there are any underlying contributing factors. Book a skin consultation with our DMK Skin Revision Professional, they will be able to create a customised treatment and Home Prescriptive program best suited to achieving your dream skin!

How long will the results of one DMK Enzyme Therapy last?

After your DMK Enzyme Therapy treatment, you can expect the beautiful glow, silky texture, and juicy plump appearance to last on average, a minimum of one week. With consistent treatments and the use of your DMK Home Prescriptive products, the longevity of your results increases extensively. Once we have achieved your skin goals, your DMK Skin Professional will adjust your skin regime to a maintenance program to ensure you keep the results you have achieved.

Why is my skin breaking out after treatment?

It is perfectly normal to experience breakouts after DMK treatments, though they are not causing them. This is a process we call ‘purging’, which is when our treatments release underlying congestion trapped deep down within the pores and pushes it up to the surface. We see this is a positive response as we are waking up skin functions that were not working optimally. We want to encourage purging as part of the REMOVE phase of the DMK concept. With consistent treatments and use of your DMK Home Prescriptive products these breakouts will clear up as quickly as possible.

Why is my skin feeling dry and tight after Enzyme Therapy treatment?

This is perfectly normal! Post treatment dryness is due to the stimulation of the enzymes in your skin that are responsible for controlling the natural exfoliating process as well as the increase of the hydration levels in your skin. The dead cells build up on the surface of your skin, unable to lift away, are now finally beginning to shed away resulting in the skin feeling slightly tight and dry. Your DMK Skin Revision Professional will advise you on the proper post treatment care.

Is DMK natural and organic?

DMK uses 99% active botanical ingredients, which need to be carefully preserved. That is why DMK uses 1% chemical preservatives in some of the formulations because they are the most stable and safest to use for both the consumer and the products. Therefore, DMK is not 100% organic.

Is DMK suitable for vegans?

DMK is predominantly botanical based however, some of our products and treatment formulations do contain fish oils as well as albumen, a product derived from eggs. Your DMK Skin Revision Technician will be able to discuss with you which Home Prescriptive products and treatments will be suitable for you. As a guide though, the following products and treatments are not suitable for vegans: Acu Cream and Herbal Pigment Oil both contain Cod liver oil. Our EFA’s oil is vegan, however it is encapsulated in a fish gelatine. DMK’s Enzyme Therapy treatments contain albumen, a product derived from eggs, in their formulations.

Which products are not recommended during Pregnancy?

It is highly recommended to ask your health care professional before using any of the DMK products during pregnancy or before taking the EFA supplement.

Products not recommended to use include:
Cassia / cloves – Acu-Therm, Body Enzyme, Body Sculpting, Enzyme #3, Foamy Lift, Quick Peel
Retinol / retinyl palmitate – Revitosin, Revise A
Salicylic acid – Acu Klear, Acu Klenz, Acu Mist, Red Vein Cream, Revise A, Pro Alpha #2
Others – Acu Masque.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your DMK Enzyme Therapy will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority. 

Do you still have questions about Enzyme Therapy? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

Book your DMK Enzyme Therapy today!

Ready to experience the transformative effects of DMK Enzyme Therapy? Our experienced team looks forward to helping you retain your natural youth and a healthy, glowing skin for many years to come.  

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