
While there are many treatments options available for acne, both prescription and over-the-counter, these do not work for everyone. When acne is particularly stubborn or severe, a more advanced solution may be needed. SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic’s acne treatment is an effective new light-based therapeutic therapy is now revolutionising the treatment of acne. The Celluma Blue LED light therapy destroys the most common bacteria that causes acne – without drugs, without pain and without downtime.

Pimples, breakouts, blackheads, and acne. If there was ever a skin condition we could all live without, it would be problematic skin. About 85% of people develop acne vulgaris in their lifetimes. It’s usually during puberty and your teen years, but there’s also adult-onset acne which can affect your self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, we can treat problematic skin very effectively.

Your Concerns

  • Dark marks from pimples – “Zits”
  • Inability to use rich product
  • Mild to moderate inflammatory acne 
  • Pimples
  • Inflammation
  • Adult-onset Acne Vulgaris
What causes pimples?

The odd pimple and breakout can become a chronic skin condition that affects up to 85% of people at various stages of life, although it’s most prominent during puberty and often continues into adulthood.


This condition affects the skin cells that line the hair follicles to such an extent that they cease to shed properly. Exacerbated when the body produces too much of the natural oil sebum, the follicles and surrounding skin become susceptible to infection by bacteria found naturally on the skin. All these elements combine to create the painful and inflamed infections we call pimples.


Hormonal imbalances leading to androgen excess along with exacerbating factors such as excessive sweating, physiological situations such as menstruation and the use of oil-based cosmetics also trigger acne breakouts.

What happens in problematic skin?

There are four main factors that contribute to acne and the formation of pimples:


  1. Improper shedding of dead skin cells block follicles.
  2. The overproduction of oil in the skin (sebum), under the influence of hormones.
  3. The blocked follicle can become inflamed and see an increase in the growth of bacteria.
  4. This causes inflammation in the follicle, which can rupture the follicle wall and extend the inflammation into lower layers of the skin, causing an acne scar.
How to clear pimples from your face

When it comes to treating acne, DMK’s advanced acne treatment method can assist in achieving very good, long-term results with a minimal risk of the acne condition returning. 

The DMK ACU SYSTEM is a new and exclusive formulation that moves beyond conventional acne ingredients for an effective, non-irritating and elegant scientific treatment combination. Contains no harsh peroxides that dry the skin. Instead, our acne treatment uses highly effective yet gentle germicides, combined with agents that both suppress sebum and help to cleanse the pores of compacted sebum and debris.

This powerful combination:

  • Creates a synergistic deep cleanse
  • Unblocks the pores
  • Eliminates acne bacteria
  • Reduces the sebum (oily substance on your skin), and
  • Stimulates cell renewal
Professional pimple treatments

The best way to get the most advanced pimple and problem skin treatments are to speak to our skincare specialist. She is trained to do a thorough skin assessment before advising you on the treatments that are best for your individual skin needs.

In the meantime, have a look at our advanced acne treatment, DMK Enzyme Therapy and Thesera H

Pimples and problem skin at home

Our skincare specialist will also advise on the best skin-clearing cleansers, spot and body treatments and products to use for problematic skin. Here are a few pimple-focused home treatments you might be interested in:

  • Treat pimples and breakouts with Mesoestetic Acne One, Acu klear, Acu Cream 
  • Also, get the inside-out treatment with NADplus Complex and DMK EFA+

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your treatments will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority.

Schedule your Acne Consultation

Do you still have questions about the Acne? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

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