Skin Conditions

The skin, our body’s largest and most visible organ, serves as a multifaceted barrier, protecting us from external threats while also reflecting our overall health and well-being. Skin conditions encompass a broad spectrum of disorders that can affect the skin’s appearance, texture, and function. These conditions may result from various factors, including genetics, environmental influences, infections, autoimmune responses, and lifestyle choices. Ranging from common afflictions like acne and eczema to rare and more severe diseases, understanding the diverse world of skin conditions is crucial for both maintaining one’s health and seeking appropriate medical care.

Aging Skin

Getting older is a part of life. But you don’t need to look it – especially not before your time. That’s why understanding what causes skin aging and what creates the signs of premature aging can really help you get rid of those lines and defy the effects of time.

Dry & Sesitive Skin

As we age, our skin generally becomes drier and more susceptible to cracking as a result of moisture loss. It is a very common problem for many women at midlife and beyond, and most women suffer from dry skin on some level. Others may have a hereditary factor or environmental factors that cause dry skin, such as papulae, dermatitis, pruritus. Dry skin is a very common skin condition that may occur in all ages and susceptible to itching, flaking and cracking as a result of moisture loss.

Scars & Acne Scars

Medical innovations mean that acne scars are something that you do not have to live with any longer. Much more than a skin condition, acne scars often lead to a lack of confidence and self-esteem. Makeup can only cover so much.


Although those dark spots have not done anything wrong, ladies are still affected and feel greatly embarrassed by it. And surely, they have done tons of treatments and applied lots of skin lightening creams just to get rid of those dark spots. And secretly, they considering a skin lightening treatment to at least lighten those spots. SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic’s treatments remove the appearance of dark spots and pigmentation by targeting the melanin in the darkened area, clearing all layers of pigmentation and revealing even-toned, unblemished skin. The treatments are specially designed for patient’s comfort and are safe and effective for all skin types, including dark skin.

Premature Aging

No adult wants to look their age – let alone look older than you are! But that’s often what happens. Fine lines in your 20s, rough skin texture and a slight darkening of the skin in some areas. These are all early signs of premature aging that will accelerate aging later in life. Know what causes it and how to prevent premature aging.

Sun Protection

Ah, the sun. So vital to life, but so very – unbelievably – damaging over time. Sun damage in all its many forms is at the heart of almost every other skin concern in the world. From pigmentation to DNA damage and aging, not to mention dread diseases like cancer. Proper sun protection is likely the biggest and most important gift you can give your skin – and yourself – in life.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks occur in both men and women, but are more common in women, with up to 90% of women experiencing stretch marks during puberty, pregnancy or rapid weight gain.

Men may experience stretch marks from rapid weight gain. Although stretch marks are not a medical problem, they can cause embarrassment and self-consciousness.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, our therapists are qualified health professionals, a key element of the body shaping process that is integral to the way we work. It is important to us that our clients not only achieve their body goals, but continue to maintain them long after their treatments. At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, we want to help you make the shift from seeing your body as the enemy to celebrating every inch of them.

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