Our Drips

Where wellness meets rejuvenation in a refreshing and revitalizing way. Our drips is not just a treatment; it’s a holistic experience designed to enhance your well-being and invigorate your body.

The Classic

A pH-balanced, electrolyte-rich solution to rapidly rehydrate, refresh and rejuvenate. The solution perfectly matches the ideal level of body salts, meaning essential salts are replenished quickly.

Deluxe Recovery

For the morning after the night before!

If you’ve had a big night, or just feeling run down, our bespoke Deluxe Recovery IV drip is the perfect hangover cure.

It combines multiple ingredients and balanced electrolytes to kick-start your recovery and have you back at your best in no time at all.

Meysers' Cocktail

The Myers’ Cocktail is a nutrient cocktail invented by John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland. The famous mixture of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, calcium, B-Vitamins, B-complex and Vitamin C, is delivered intravenously.

Skin Glow Drip

The Skin Glow Drip  is an exceptional addition to all of our IV Drip Cocktails. Glutathione is known as the Master Antioxidant as the body uses this to strengthen the immune system and can have a positive effect on the skin. In high doses, it may also be effective at lightening your skin or giving skin that radiant glow.

Limitless NAD

The Limitless drip is powered by NAD+, a metabolic co-factor found in all living cells. NAD+ has been shown to improve mental functioning, concentration and boost mood, as well as aid recovery and detoxification and assist the body with healthy ageing.

Vitamin C IV Drip

Vitamin C  is crucial to a healthy body and contributes to your immune defense by supporting and directly stimulating various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune systems. The standard dosage of the drip is 25g, which is equivalent to nearly two tubes of Berocca!

Jet Lag Reset

When long journeys or constant travel leave you feeling weary, our blend of balanced electrolytes, rehydrating fluids as well as amino acids taurine and glutamine with energy restoring vitamins and minerals will have you back at your best in no time.

Immunity Drip

Strengthen your immunity with high-dose Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammatory pathways in many illnesses.

Fat Burner

The Fat Burner combines metabolism boosting amino acids to sustain your energy levels throughout the day. Alongside an hydrating electrolyte solution and multi-vitamins, this drip is a great way to aid with weight loss in combination with a healthy lifestyle.

Under The Weather

High dose Vitamin C has been suggested as having both a preventative and therapeutic role in a number of pathologies; Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and can directly prevent oxidative damage from free radicals and has been shown to reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness and damage and relieve and prevent symptoms of viral illnesses.

Vitamin Drip

This premium IV drip is the perfect blend of essential micronutrient vitamins and minerals to keep nerve and blood cells healthy, while banishing lethargy and low mood.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, our therapists are qualified health professionals, a key element of the body shaping process that is integral to the way we work. It is important to us that our clients not only achieve their body goals, but continue to maintain them long after their treatments. At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, we want to help you make the shift from seeing your body as the enemy to celebrating every inch of them.

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