Cosmelan Peel

Reduce the appearance of pigmentation by up to 95%

As the world’s leading professional depigmentation method, Cosmelan effectively reduces the dark spots caused by melanin, hyperpigmentation and ageing.

Cosmelan is a Gold Standard treatment for all types of pigmentation such as melasma, post-inflammatory pigmentation, solar and senile lentigo (age spots) and freckles. It works by inhibiting the production of melanin and reducing the appearance of dark spots, resulting in a more even skin tone.

Its exclusive formula has been demonstrated to achieve incredible results on over 1 million clients worldwide – proven effective on a range of pigmentation concerns in ALL skin phototypes!

What Is Cosmelan?

The effects of the sun can cause all sorts of damage to our skin, such as hyperpigmentation and sun spots. Sun spots are caused when UV rays stimulate the melanin within our skin. Melanin is responsible for determining our skin’s pigment and in UV light is produced to create this pigment to protect the skin. In many of us, when our skin is exposed to sunlight, small brownish freckles, uneven patches and marks can appear; this makes skin look uneven in tone and texture. Pigmentation can also be caused by the natural ageing process as well as hormonal conditions and changes in the body (such as pregnancy).

Hyperpigmentation is a growing concern, regardless of skin tone, with more and more people suffering worldwide – including 90% of people over 50.

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, we offer an effective, non-surgical treatment for the appearance of pigmentation on the skin. This treatment is called the Cosmelan Depigmentation Peel.


The Cosmelan peel is a unique and multi-ingredient, chemical peel, is designed especially for hyperpigmentation and discolouration of the skin. This is caused by the following:

  • UV damage
  • Freckles, lentigo or nevus
  • Hyperpigmentation of the skin
  • Birthmarks
  • Post-inflammatory pigmentation from acne and acne scarring
  • Pregnancy mask (melasma)

Unlike some dermal peels, Cosmelan is tolerated well by all skin types and ages. It has a proven track record of efficacy and contains no hydroquinone, a controversial substance which is often used in products which lighten the skin but can be very harsh and damaging. Instead, it contains multiple pigment-solving ingredients in one system, such as Azelaic acid and Kojic acid, which are naturally derived acids, to maximise its effect.

How does it work?

The cosmelan method uses a unique, two-fold action to treat and reduce pigmentation: corrective and regulatory.

Cosmelan’s corrective action works by accelerating skin cell turnover at the surface, removing melanin accumulation and reducing the amount of melanin formed, which decreases the intensity of the spot.

Cosmelan’s regulatory action targets the source of pigmentation by reducing melanin synthesis and blocking the transfer of melanin from the deeper layers to the skin’s surface.

It can be used on the face, neck, chest, and hands. Cosmelan treatment is the most effective solution for hyperpigmentation. Book your appointment now and get the skin you’ve always wanted!

Benefits of cosmelan
  • Reduce unwanted pigmentation
  • Restore skin luminosity
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Treat melasma, PIH, liver spots and freckles
  • Proven and effective
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Effective pigmentation treatment for most
  • Not painful
  • Rejuvenation of the skin as an added benefit
  • Safe all year round
  • Beneficial for acne patients
  • Efficient homecare prolongs and maintains effect
  • Fast and effective 30 minute treatment
  • Compatible with all skin photo types
  • Effective for both men and women
  • Effective for pigmentation from old scars, or even acne
What Are the Types of Hyperpigmentation?

Melasma or Chloasma

Skin coloration that appears as blotchy brown spots, often covering cheeks, forehead, or temples. This type of hyperpigmentation can be hereditary, or triggered by hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause. Taking birth control pills can also trigger Melasma. In addition, some laser treatments such as IPL, may worsen the condition.


Age Spots or “Liver” Spots

Smaller darkened patches usually on older adults who have been exposed to the sun for many years. These spots can be seen on the face, forearms and backs of hands.


Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

This type of hyperpigmentation results from any inflammatory injury or trauma to the skin. Some causes of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation:

  • Poorly administered chemical peels, incorrect methods of laser hair removal, or laser surgery can leave behind hyperpigmentation.
  • Rashes like psoriasis and eczema often darken the skin as well. Even seemingly innocuous things like leg waxing and electrolysis can cause the melanin cells to over react.
  • Prolonged exposure to heat, whether from being in the sun or working over heat-producing appliances will also be a potential cause.


Does Cosmelan Remove All Types Of Pigmentation?

The Cosmelan peel is a unique and multi-ingredient, chemical peel, is designed especially for hyperpigmentation and discolouration of the skin. This is caused by the following:

  • UV damage
  • Freckles, lentigo or nevus
  • Hyperpigmentation of the skin
  • Birthmarks
  • Post-inflammatory pigmentation from acne and acne scarring
  • Pregnancy mask (melasma)

Unlike some dermal peels, Cosmelan is tolerated well by all skin types and ages. It has a proven track record of efficacy and contains no hydroquinone, a controversial substance which is often used in products which lighten the skin but can be very harsh and damaging. Instead, it contains multiple pigment-solving ingredients in one system, such as Azelaic acid and Kojic acid, which are naturally derived acids, to maximise its effect.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation?


Skin tone is defined by the presence of melanin. Darker skins have higher amounts of melanin, and lighter skins, have lower amounts of melanin. Often, Melasma occurs when there is an increased melanin production. This creates a darker skin tone in some areas, leaving the skin blotchy and uneven. Causes of skin pigmentation can range from genetic predisposition – aggravated by high exposure to strong sunlight, to hormonal changes – such a pregnancy, menopause or taking oral contraceptives.

The Cosmelan Procedure

Cosmelan is a professional treatment, and therefore must be administed by a qualified and experienced medical professional.

Before beginning your Cosmelan journey, you’ll need to have a complimentary skin consult with our trained medical professional to assess this treatment is suitable for you.


The treatment consists of three phases:

Phase 1 Preparing your skin pre-procedure. The better your skin is prepared, the better the results and the lower the risk of inflammation or discomfort. The mesoestetic products are recommended to be used for 6 weeks prior to the treatment, and  Melanostop Peel 1 week before the asked application will provide an added benefit.

Phase 2 The in-clinic treatment which takes about 30 minutes, and involves the application of the Cosmelan mask. Once the mask is applied, you will be taken through the protocol carefully and you will be able to go home. You will be instructed to remove the mask after a specified period of time.

Phase 3 The maintenance period, which is critical to the success of the Cosmelan treatment. You will be prescribed home care products and given careful instructions to follow to best maintain your results.

What To Expect During Treatment?

During the treatment the skin will be prepped with an oil removing solution to allow even penetration of the peel. Tingling and a strong smell are expected.

The thick, clay coloured Cosmelan mask will be applied and must be left on at home for a period of 8-12 hours. The duration will be dependent on Fitzpatrick type and skin condition. Whilst the mask is on, a non-active water mist, will need to be used to keep the product moist (not wet) to ensure it does not dry out.

Once the mask has been left on for the desired time, it will need to be completely but gently removed at home using cool water and pat dry ONLY, with a soft cloth. Once removed a small amount melan recovery or anti-stress mask is to be applied and allowed to dry before bed.


Immediately after removing your mask at home, moderate erythema and heat is to be expected. Over next few days and weeks you may experience:

  • 24 Hours  Moderate erythema, strong heat and moderate swelling.
  • 48 Hours  Strong erythema, moderate heat, swelling and itching, mild flaking.
  • 72 Hours. Mild erythema and heat, strong itching and flaking.
  • 1-8 Weeks. Mild erythema, moderate itching and flaking.

After treatment you should start your after care routine. Expect to purchase additional aftercare products. Recommended weekly LED treatments in clinic.

Cosmelan Peel Instructions


  • No scrubs or facial exfoliation on the day of treatment.
  • Cosmetic injectable treatments in the face area 2 weeks  prior to treatment.
  • Men should not shave two days prior to treatment. 
  • No waxing in treated areas one week prior to treatment. 
  • No peels, laser resurfacing or medical grade exfoliation within two weeks of treatment.
  • Cannot have active Herpes Simplex blisters or cold sores. 
  • Cannot be pregnant or lactating.
  • Use suggested home care regimen to optimize results of treatment.


  • You will need to apply the specialised at-home maintenance cream twice daily to continue the results of the Cosmelan mask. Your aesthetician will also recommend an appropriate sunscreen. Depending on your skin condition, you may require some additional products to ensure treatment efficacy and long lasting results. These may include Hydra-Vital Factor K and / or Anti-Stress Mask, Fast Skin Repair, Proteoglycan Ampoules, Betagel. These products can be used on the face and body.
  • Following Cosmelan your skinmay feel tight and dry. Avoid the use of any scrubs following removal of the mask. It is also recommended to avoid using any active cosmeceuticals containing glycolic acid or active vitamin A during the maintenance period.
  • Don’t pick. The most important thing to remember after Cosmelan treatment is to steer clear of picking, scrubbing or peeling the skin away yourself. Removing skin prematurely can lead to complications such as further hyperpigmentation. To gently remove dead skin, the use of Enzymatic Micro Peel is recommended a few weeks after the Cosmelan mask is removed.
  • Again it’s essential to protect your skin from sun exposure. Make sure to use an SPF50+ or greater every day.

**IN THE CASE OF EXTREME SENSITIVITY during any phase, consider spacing out the applications of Cosmelan 2, without abandoning the treatment altogether.**


Cosmelan is contraindicated in:

  • Children under 12
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • Patients on Roaccutane in last 6 months
  • Patients with cystic acne
  • Open wounds and infections
  • Psoriasis or dermatitis in area to be treated

Is Cosmelan Suitable For All Skin Phototypes?

Yes, the unique active ingredients used in the Cosmelan depigmenting mask and cream enable effective treatment and results on all skin colours and ethnicities. The clinical mask is required to activate for 8 hours on fairer complexions, 10 hours for olive and up to 12 hours for darker complexions.


How do I know I am suitable for a Cosmelan peel?

Although Cosmelan is suitable for all skin types and ages, we will ask that you attend a consultation, so that we can assess your skin and talk about the treatment in more detail. There will be aftercare requirements following a Cosmelan peel, so it’s important to discuss timings of the treatment (for example, if you are going on a sun holiday, we would wait until afterwards to treat you with Cosmelan).


When Can I Expect To See Results?

Results may vary and a thorough skin analysis and treatment history needs to be completed prior to treatment. In many cases a significant reduction in brown patches may be detected as soon as one to two weeks after starting treatment. The skin should also appear more luminous and rejuvenated, and can continue to improve with the use of the maintenance products.

Following the provided at-home product application for the continuing 9 – 12 months will help you achieve optimal results and prevent the reappearance of spots.


How Long Does The Treatment Take?

The in-clinic application of the Cosmelan Mask (Peel) – which is a fast and effective 30 minute treatment. This is left on the skin for the required time (8-12 hours, as per skin phototype and instructed by your aesthetician) and removed at home. The remaining 9-12  months of your program is completed mostly within the comfort of your own home – with the exception of your LED Light Therapy treatment and any additional treatments you elect to have.


How Many Cosmelan Treatments Will I Need?

Most patients experience a dramatic reduction in the appearance of unwanted pigmentation following just one treatment of Cosmelan. Depending on the severity or underlying cause of pigmentation, further treatments can be performed 12 monthly to manage recurrence.

To ensure long-lasting results, it is recommended to follow a regime of specific homecare.  Anywhere from 1-3 Cosmelan treatments may be required to achieve best results.


How Long Until I Can Have Injectables After My Cosmelan Treatment?

You can commence cosmetic injectable treatments in the face area 3 months post your in-clinic Cosmelan mask (peel).


Are There Any Side Effects Having A Cosmelan Treatment?

Side effects associated with Cosmelan treatments are rare but in the event of an occurrence this can be easily managed. Individuals may experience mild to moderate redness with slight swelling following the removal of the in-clinic mask. During the post treatment period it is common for the skin to feel tight or itchy. Any tightness may be easily relieved by applying a nourishing moisturiser such as Hydra-Vital Factor K. It is recommended to avoid direct sun exposure following a Cosmelan treatment and to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day before, during and following treatment. We recommend using Mesoprotech Melan 130 Pigment Control.


What Will My Skin Look Like After A Cosmelan Treatment?

After a Cosmelan treatment, you can expect your skin to feel tight with a slight sunburn sensation. You may experience shedding of the skin for anywhere between 7-10 days. Optimum results are usually seen 5-6 weeks post treatment but also continues to improve with Cosmelan homecare


Are Cosmelan Treatments Just For The Face?

Though the face is the most common area to be treated with Cosmelan, the neck, chest and backs of the hands may also be addressed. As the clinical depigmenting mask needs to be left on for up to 12 hours, this can create some minor inconvenience for body areas such as the chest or hands. To avoid staining to clothing, it is recommended to wear loose-fitting, dark garments whilst the mask is activating.

How does cosmelan help?

Cosmelan acts by blocking the melanin-producing enzyme (Tyrosinase), therefore reducing the production of melasma.


What happens during a Cosmelan treatment?

The treatment will commence with one pre-peel, one treatment peel and a home care system. Throughout the treatment, you will experience some peeling, redness and tenderness. This will last around 2 to 4 weeks as the skin is shedding and eliminating the pigmented skin cells.


When will I see results?

Results can be seen after one, complete treatment. For deeper pigmentation, a top-up treatment may be required after one year.


How long will my results last?

Essentially, results can last as long as you want them to if you have sun-damage pigmentation. If you protect your skin from sunlight, you should maintain the results for up to 18 months. However, melasma and hormonal pigmentation come from ‘within’, so you may find that you need a top-up treatment once a year.


Why Choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic?

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic we pride ourselves on delivery exceptional service and are committed to exceeding your expectations. We believe that your care, comfort and safety are of the utmost importance.

You are at the heart of everything we do!

Your complete satisfaction is our calling and is at the forefront of our principles. Our mission is to deliver these values to you throughout every experience with us.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your Cosmelan Peel will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority.

Schedule your Cosmelan Peel Consultation

Do you still have questions about Cosmelan Peel? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

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