LemonBottle Fat Dissolving Injections

The Ultimate Solution for Stubborn Fat

Are you struggling to get rid of stubborn fat in certain areas of your body, despite diet and exercise? Look no further than LemonBottle Fat Dissolving Injections! This innovative cosmetic procedure uses a unique blend of fat-dissolving ingredients to target and eliminate stubborn fat, leaving you with a slimmer, more toned physique.

LemonBottle Fat Dissolving Injection is the non surgical alternative to liposuction. It uses a high-concentration premium solution that combines Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Lecithin, Bromelain, and other natural ingredients that increases the metabolism of fat cells and accelerates fat decomposition. All ingredients work together for a better effect!

LemonBottle Fat Dissolving Injection is designed to target and eliminate stubborn fat in certain areas of the body, such as the chin, abdomen, hips, thighs, and upper arms. 

KNOW it’s developed by Dermatologists!

What Are The Benefits Of LemonBottle Fat Dissolving Injections?

  • Helps boost fat metabolism, so you burn more calories even when you’re at rest
  • Carbohydrates and fats are converted into energy
  • Reduction of oedema due to increase blood flow
  • Pineapple extract for lipolysis effect and to reduce inflammation
  • It reduces the number and size of fat cells to maximize fat reduction
  • It decreases adipocytes and produces collagen to increase skin elasticity
  • It facilitates the circulation of lymphatic fluid and can rapidly release the degraded fat cells, which is effective in reducing oedema and eliminate cellulite
  • Targets and eliminates stubborn fat, leaving you with a slimmer, more toned physique.
  • It is a safe, natural, and effective product that primarily focuses on efficacy and human safety
  • Does not contain PPC, Hormones, Sodium Deoxycholate or Steroids.
  • Non surgical alternative to liposuction
  • Target fat in problem areas
  • Lose weight quickly and safely
  • You can resume normal activities after injection
  • Health benefits!!
  • Improved Energy levels
  • Increased Confidence!
How Does LemonBottle Work?

LemonBottle Fat Dissolving Injections is the fastest and strongest fat dissolver in the industry. This treatment is completely safe, and shows results from 24 hours. Unlike other fat dissolvers, LemonBottle is not painful, there is no downtime, and most importantly no swelling afterwards.


LemonBottle Fat Dissolving Injection uses a high-concentration premium solution that combines Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Lecithin, Bromelain, and other natural ingredients that increases the metabolism of fat cells and accelerates fat decomposition. All ingredients work together for a better effect!


This unique formula combines powerful ingredients to destroy fat cells and promote efficient excretion from the body.

The key benefits are:

  • Tightening Effects: Experience improved skin firmness and reduced cellulite.
  • Unique Ingredient Blend: Our formula includes Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) for enhanced fat cell response.
  • Collagen Support: Centella Asiatica extract stimulates collagen synthesis for a youthful appearance.
  • Personalized Treatment: Target adipose tissue, localized fat, cellulite, and more.


Where Can LemonBottle Be Injected In The Body?

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections can be injected into various areas of the body where stubborn fat accumulates. Suitable regions for treatment with LemonBottle Lipolysis Injections:

Facial region

  • Double chin


  • Upper arms
  • Axillary (Armpit) Folds
  • Upper and lower abdomen
  • Back rolls
  • Iliac Crest (hip) & Love handles
  • Inner and outer thighs 
  • Lower buttocks / top of thighs
  • Above and inner knee
  • Male Gynaecomastia (breasts)
  • Cellulite
  • Lipomas


Before embarking on this therapy, you should make sure to have a face-to-face meeting with our Certified Injector at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, in order to receive professional advice on all the main aspects of the treatment and whether the therapy represents the optimum method for dealing with your specific case.

Who Shouldn’t Get the Treatment?

LemonBottle is a natural fat dissolving treatment with a good safety. However, treatment is not recommended for children, teenagers, pregnant or breastfeeding patients.
It’s not suitable for individuals with specific medical conditions: liver & kidney disease or disorders, diabetes (uncontrolled), thyroid disorders, permanent use of anticoagulants, skin disease and disorders in the target area such as psoriasis, eczema, scabies etc, Scar tissue (not to treat tissue area until 6 months post healing), current infection or illness and excessive weight loss. LemonBottle should not be used in patients allergic to pineapple.

What Can I Expect During Treatments?

LemonBottle Lipolysis is a quick and easy procedure that typically takes 30-45 minutes to complete. The skin is disinfected and the fat dissolving solution is injected into the treatment area using a fine needle. You may experience some mild discomfort during the injection process, but this typically subsides quickly.


You may experience mild bruising, this is temporary and will fade within a few days. The treatment can be provided over lunch hour and the patient can return to their normal activities immediately after.
At SkinRx, your LemonBottle Lipolysis injections will be administered by a Qualified Medical Professional.

How Do You Get The Best Results From Fat Dissolving?

Aftercare for best results

  • FAST 8 hours before and 8 hours after treatment. No late night meals.
  • HEAT plays an important role (therefore we offer in-treatment cavitation). Apply heat whenever possible directly after and for the following 3 days. 
  • WATER plays a key role in the metabolism of fat. Drink plenty water before and after treatment, minimum 3 litres per day.
  • Lightly MASSAGE the treated area
  • A healthy balanced diet will always be important. 
  • MOVE because the broken-down fat will be expelled into your lymphatic system it is important that you move and sweat!!!!
  • It is safe to use the sauna or steam rooms after treatment as this helps to mobilize the fat.
  • Use arnica cream if you feel necessary for up to 7 days to help prevent and reduce bruising.
  • Avoid blood thinners and alcohol whilst on the
  • Caffeine intake should be at a minimal


Are LemonBottle Injections Safe?

LemonBottle Fat Dissolving injections have very low associated risks and complications. Minimal side effects have been reported globally since the introduction of LemonBottle Fat Dissolving injections. Minor side effects that may occur following the injections are temporary redness and mild bruising around the injection site. These will ease within a few days. 


Does It Really Work?

LemonBottle Lipolysis injections are best suited for people who have small areas of stubborn fat and the best areas for treatment include the abdomen, hips, waist, chin, and arms. It starts to work straight away once the product is injected.


Fatty deposits in some areas of the body are harder to get rid off and even when the patient follows a healthy diet and exercise regime. With LemonBottle the process is accelerated allowing for faster fat removal without any invasive procedures. The treatment is not meant to replace healthy eating and exercising, but can be used as an aid in fat loss.


In effect, it helps to tone the body by breaking up the walls of fat cells. Once the walls are broken down, fat is released and removed from the body through the normal body metabolism. Movement and intake of water will help speed up results. 



How Fast Will I See Results?

This non-surgical treatment targets stubborn fat pockets that won’t shift and can be injected into various areas of the body. Lemon Bottle is the industry’s fastest and strongest fat dissolver, showing results within 24 hours.

For best results we advised 4-6 treatments, each treatment every 7 days and to drink at least 2 litres of water per day throughout the course treatment. However, research suggests the second treatment should be done 5 days after the first session, to target the resistant fat. Then, continue treatment every 7 days.

Most clients notice a visible difference within six weeks with subsequent treatments further improving the overall result. 

However, LemonBottle Lipolysis injections are designed to target localised fat deposits and aren’t a substitute for losing weight. Instead, this treatment is intended to complement a healthy lifestyle, so for long-term results, you will need to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise alongside this fat-reduction treatment.

How Much Fat Can Fat-Dissolving Injections Remove?

We always ensure you have a clear idea of what to expect from your treatment at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic. The amount of fat dissolved by one Lemonbottle Lipolysis treatment will vary depending on different factors.
Four of the main factors that will affect how much fat is removed are:
1. The area of the body treated
2. How many sessions you have
3. Drinking enough water to help with lymphatic drainage
4. Your individual physiology and general health

Are The Results Permanent?

This treatment is intended to complement a healthy lifestyle, so for long-term results, you will need to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise alongside this fat-reduction treatment when required.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of treatment depends on the treatment area and the product amount needed to cover the desired area in total.

If you’re thinking about Fat Dissolving injections, contact us at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, today, for a no-obligation consultation. Our trusted medical professional will create a personalised treatment plan just for you and help you achieve your desired look.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, our therapists are qualified health professionals, a key element of the body shaping process that is integral to the way we work. It is important to us that our clients not only achieve their body goals, but continue to maintain them long after their treatments. At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, we want to help you make the shift from seeing your body as the enemy to celebrating every inch of them.

Schedule your LemonBottle Lipolysis Treatment

Do you still have questions about LemonBottle Lipolysis? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

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