Body Toning &

Emsculpt is a game changing, non-invasive body contouring system that will help you to achieve your fitness and health goals. SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic is proud to offer this revolutionary body sculpting service to our clients.


EMSCULPT is the only FDA-approved, non-invasive body toning and sculpting treatment that can reduce fat and build muscle. EMSCULPT can reach the stubborn areas that diet and exercise alone cannot reach. It can help you get the body and core strength you’ve always wanted. Best of all, there is no surgery, downtime, or sweat required!

How does EMSCULPT work?

EMSCULPT uses patented HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic) technology similar to an MRI device to induce powerful muscle contractions that are not achievable with crunches or sit-ups. One treatment is equivalent to 20,000 crunches or squats. When exposed to these powerful contractions, the skin remains unaffected, while the energy penetrates to the fat and muscle layers. As a result, your body responds with a deep remodelling of its inner structure for muscle building and body sculpting.

Watch a video on EMSculpt for more details.

Benefits of EMSculpt

  • Builds muscle and tones muscle
  • Strengthens your core
  • Firms abdomen, buttocks, upper arms and legs
  • 1 treatment = 20 000 crunches
  • Up to 20% fat reduction*
  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Clinically proven results, FDA-approved
  • No downtime
  • Suitable for women and men
  • Ideal accompaniment to other weight loss treatments, diet or exercise programmes
What areas can EMSculpt treat?

Abs/stomach – a firmer and more toned tummy without mastering the plank or sit ups

Buttock/butt lift – lifting and tightening the buttocks without thousands of squats

Male chest – turning man breasts into pecs!

Arms – small contractions ripple throughout your arm actually lets you grow your own muscle and gives a natural muscle tone.

Legs – strengthening and toning the upper and lower legs.

Sculpt Your Abs

HIFEM induces ‘supramaximal’ contractions that put your muscles into full use. During a typical workout, your muscles can only reach approximately 40% of their maximum capacity, whereas EMSCULPT allows them to reach 100% capacity. Strengthening your core muscles can in turn strengthen the lower back and pelvic muscles. One 30 minute session is equivalent to nearly 20,000 perfect sit-ups. This ‘super-muscle exercise’ can increase the density and volume of abdominal muscles, and decompose and eliminate abdominal fat.

Firm and Tone Arms

EMSCULPT pulses encourage your body to build muscle in areas that typically won’t respond to regular exercise such as the biceps and triceps. When your arm is exposed to the targeted HIFEM pulses, it will react through small contractions that ripple throughout your arm. EMSCULPT actually lets you grow your own muscle and gives a natural muscle tone, as well as an overall fat reduction in the arms. The device is now FDA approved for building muscle in the arms as well as the buttocks and abs.

Bring Your Booty Back 

When we apply Emsculpt on buttocks, we can contract those gluteus muscles approximately 20,000 times in a 30-minute session, which is beyond what a person can accomplish through exercising. The result is, a tighter, more toned buttock.

Whenever we work out, we are damaging our muscles and wearing them down. As our body recovers, it reverses that damage, rebuilding and repairing our muscle tissues. When it does, it rebuilds them stronger and firmer than before in an effort to protect them from further damage. The supramaximal contractions provided by EMSCULPT essentially provide a supercharged version of this process, which rebuilds the inner structure of the targeted muscles.

Increase Muscle Volume in the Calves

Emsculpt calves is a popular treatment area for this body sculpting procedure. One 30-minute session can help men and women achieve contoured, heart-shaped calf muscles. Just one Emsculpt calves treatment stimulates 20,000 powerful contractions in the calf muscles.

How Does Emsculpt Simultaneously Target Fat and Muscle?


The muscle contracts 20,000 times with high frequency and intensity, so as to train and increase muscle density and volume.


The ultimate contraction of muscle needs a large amount of energy supply, so the fat cells beside the muscle are also consumed, leading to natural apoptosis and effective reduction of fat thickness.

Muscle Sculpt 

Exercising the abdominal muscles, shaping the vest line, exercising the hip muscles, creating the peach hips, exercising the abdominal oblique muscles, and shaping the mermaid line.

While other body contouring treatments reduce subcutaneous fat through freezing or heating, they do not act on muscle. This is problematic because 35 percent of the body is comprised of muscle, and it’s essential in order to provide true sculpting results.

Unlike the aforementioned devices, Emsculpt uses high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to initiate 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions during a single treatment session.

These forced muscle contractions are much more powerful than voluntary contractions that occur with exercise. As a result, they cause considerable fat breakdown and muscle reconstruction and growth.

Does It Really Work?

Watch a video about EMSCulpt for more detail.

Yes. In five unique clinical studies that included evaluation by MRI, CT, and Ultrasound, Emsculpt delivered consistent and reliable results.

The findings revealed:

  • Increase in muscle mass: 16% at 4 weeks, and 21% at 6 months
  • Reduction in subcutaneous fat: 19% at 4 weeks, and 23% at 3 months
  • Patient satisfaction: 96%
What can I expect during treatments?

During your 30-minute treatment, we will place EMSCULPT’s applicator on the targeted body area. The applicator will then emit energy to induce powerful muscle contractions. The procedure will feel like an intensive workout, but you will be able to lay down and relax during this treatment. After your appointment is over, you will be able to return to your daily routine immediately. There is no pre- or post-treatment preparation.

Most men and women are able to feel a difference in their abdomen or buttocks immediately after the first treatment.

However, for optimal effects, a series of 6 treatments spaced two-to-three days apart is recommended. When you schedule a complimentary consultation with SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, we will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals.

How fast will I see results?

You should begin to feel tangible results after your first treatment. Patients usually see positive results 2-4 weeks after their last session. Patients can begin to note a more toned abdomen, stronger core, and firmer backside.

Your results will continue to improve for several weeks following your treatment. Best results can be seen after three months and will continue to improve for up to six months.

Combination Treatments

EMSCULPT is the ideal accompaniment to other body shaping procedures. We have chosen it so that we can recommend it alongside the following existing treatments:

  • Ultrasonic Cavitation  –  uses ultrasound technology to break down fat cells below the skin. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat. This procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. 
  • Laser Lipolysis – uses high-intensity light to shrink fat from stubborn areas that remain unaffected by a healthy diet and regular exercise. 
  • Our new Radio Frequency and Ultrasound combination treatment which works to tighten skin as well as further reduce fat

We always promote healthy eating and exercise, but sometimes even the most diligent regimes leave troublesome spots.

Our combination of treatments can achieve incredible results and reward the efforts you are already putting in.

EMSculpt FAQ's

Will it work for me?

Anyone can benefit from EMSCULPT to tone up muscle and burn fat. You’d be surprised how effective this treatment is. Patients may choose EMSCULPT to complement fitness/exercise/diet regimes, to troubleshoot a particular body area, or to tone up after pregnancy/childbirth.

How can the treatment specifically help me?

Men and women commonly schedule treatments to:

  • Tone and define your abdomen
  • Lift and tighten the buttocks
  • Tone the legs
  • Sculpt the upper arms
How many sessions will I need?


We usually advise a course of 6-8 treatments for best results, scheduled 2-3 days apart.

How long does it take?


Each session takes around 30 minutes per area.

Will I need to carry on after my course of treatment?

Generally, we recommend having a treatment every 3-6 months after the initial course of treatments, just to maintain the results you’ve achieved. You will also need to maintain healthy diet and exercise for best results.

How long do results of Emsculpt last?

On average, patients can enjoy their EMSCULPT results for about six months or longer. It is recommended that patients maintain a healthy diet and exercise, along with regular follow-up EMSCULPT sessions every few months.

Will Emsculpt tighten skin?

This nonsurgical treatment can tighten, tone, and strengthen the large muscle groups of the abdomen and buttocks as well as of smaller body areas, including the upper arms and calves.

Does Emsculpt make butt smaller?

The recommended protocol for Emsculpt treatment of buttocks does not stimulate fat loss, as many patients do not wish to lose volume in this area.

Can you exercise after Emsculpt?

There is no downtime with EMSculpt. Since the treatment is targeted, patients do not have the full body lactic acid production associated with a full body workout, so same-day exercise can occur as well.

Can Emsculpt give you a bigger butt?

EMSCULPT Butt Lift® – EMSCULPT® is the only FDA-Cleared device that reduces body fat by up to 19% while increasing muscle mass up to 16%. EMSCULPT® is the only body contouring procedure that burns fat cells and builds muscle simultaneously in the abdomen and buttocks.

Can Emsculpt get rid of hip dips?

Non-surgical Hip Dip Treatment- We offer Cavitation Vacuum RF Laser Lipo to slim down stubborn pockets of fat around the hips, and EMSculpt body sculpting technologies to redefine muscle tone across the hip area. These treatments can also be combined to achieve maximum results.

Is Emsculpt better than CoolSculpting?

EMSculpt results in a 19% average reduction in fat stores after 2-4 weeks post-treatment, so slightly less than CoolSculpting. But it excels when it comes to building muscle. Patients achieve a 16% average increase in muscle mass at their targeted treatment zones. EMSculpt is perfect for those who want to tone up their muscles while also benefiting from fat reduction. Building muscle is the key goal here. Patients can build up new muscle mass while toning and sculpting their existing muscle fibres to make them more defined. Through its advanced electromagnetic technology, it stimulates thousands of muscle contractions while encouraging muscle tissues to remodel. This process also boosts fat reduction to an extent.

Does it hurt? What does it feel like?

It doesn’t hurt, it just feels like an intensive workout. However, you can lay down and relax during the treatment – there’s no sweat or exertion involved.

When will I see results?

You begin to feel the difference straightaway but full results take a little time to develop as your body is building muscle and expelling fat. Most patients report positive results within 2-4 weeks of the last session and results do continue to improve for a few more weeks after that. Final results may take longer to appear, especially in areas with more fat. The muscle will continue to build over the next couple of months.

Can I have more than one area treated?

Yes of course. We’ll discuss your requirements in a consultation and suggest the most appropriate treatment plan based on your goals.

What is High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) technology?

High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) field technology is a technology with the ability to induce supramaximal muscle contractions. HIFEM creates a rapidly changing magnetic field that can penetrate through the skin to impact fat and muscle tissues, creating electric currents in them. It essentially depolarizes neural membranes and governs motor units in the target muscles, causing concentric contractions.

What happens if I gain weight following Emsculpt treatment?

A healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise maintenance, is encouraged following your series of EMSCULPT treatments. An increase in weight will allow fat stores to accumulate. This may occur disproportionately in areas untreated by EMSCULPT.

Who cannot have EMSculpt Treatment? (Contraindications)

The procedure is not suitable for any of the following:

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Pacemaker or internal defibrillator
  • Internal electronic devices
  • Metal implants including dental braces close to the treatment area
  • Deep (ablative) chemical peel or resurfacing treatment in last 3 months

It may not be suitable in cases of:

  • Skin infection or inflammation including eczema, rosacea, burns
  • Impaired immunity, poor wound healing, bleeding disorders
  • Roaccutane within 12 months
  • Scleroderma, radiation therapy
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Cardiovascular disease, varicose veins, certain radiologic procedures, sensitivity disorders, tuberculosis

The vast majority of our patients are suitable for this treatment. As a pharmacist-led clinic, we are able to advise on any specific concerns and queries regarding suitability.

Before and after photos

Request a complimentary consultation

Schedule a free consultation with our professionals at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic to find out how EMSCULPT can help you. During your initial appointment, we will create a treatment plan specific to your body sculpting & muscle toning goals.  It’s time to build muscle and sculpt your body in the way that you’ve always wanted!

* Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, our therapists are qualified health professionals, a key element of the body shaping process that is integral to the way we work. It is important to us that our clients not only achieve their body goals, but continue to maintain them long after their treatments. At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, we want to help you make the shift from seeing your body as the enemy to celebrating every inch of them.

Schedule your EMSculpt Treatment

Do you still have questions about the EMSculpt? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

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