
The MeLine Peel is a revolutionary treatment offered at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, specifically formulated to address hyperpigmentation concerns. MeLine offers an innovative solution to issues such as melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and sun-induced hyperpigmentation, improving the appearance and texture of the skin as a whole.

MeLine treatment uses a controlled chemical dermabrasion method, meticulously tailored to the skin’s individual needs, to effectively remove the top layer of dead cells, revealing more even, revitalized skin. The comprehensive MeLine treatment program at Reimagine Clinic includes detailed skin assessments, application appointments, follow-up product prescription and ongoing care advice, ensuring optimal results and longevity of a rejuvenated complexion.

Sun exposure can cause pigmentation changes such as dark spots, freckles, and uneven tone over time. The appearance of these can become more pronounced as we age. While the sun is responsible for many of our pigmentation issues, hormonal fluctuations and skin conditions that cause inflammation, such as acne and burns, can also leave pigmentation spots.

Ready to experience the transformative effects of MeLine Peeling? Our experienced team looks forward to helping you regain radiant, even-toned skin. Whether you suffer from sun damage, melasma or acne, our personalized MeLine Peel can offer you a revolutionary solution, giving you the confidence to flaunt your natural beauty.

Benefits Of MeLine Peel
  • Reduce unwanted pigmentation
  • Restore skin luminosity
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Improve fine lines and wrinkles
  • Treat melasma, PIH, liver spots and freckles
  • Proven and effective
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Effective pigmentation treatment for most
  • Not painful
  • Rejuvenation of the skin as an added benefit
  • Safe all year round
  • Beneficial for acne patients
  • Efficient homecare prolongs and maintains effect
  • Fast and effective 30 to 45 minute treatment
  • Compatible with all skin photo types
  • Effective for both men and women
  • Effective for pigmentation from old scars, or even acne


Why MeLine Peel Is Special

MeLine stands out for its ability to reduce visible hyperpigmentation by 90-95% in 60-90 days, making it a highly sought-after treatment at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic. It uses a controlled chemical dermabrasion method, tailored to the skin’s individual needs, to remove the top layer of dead cells. This treatment is suitable for all skin types and can be applied to the face, body and even intimate areas, making it very versatile and effective.

The MeLine Peel Procedure


  1. We first begin with a consultation to assess your skin type and the concerns you want to address.
  2. You are then prescribed several products to use at home in replacement of your existing skincare products. You will use these for 2 weeks prior to your first peel
  3. Your first in-clinic peel will take place 2 weeks after you began the use of the products, and your homecare routine will continue
  4. Your second in-clinic peel will take place 4 weeks after your first in-clinic peel, and your homecare routine will continue.
  5. We will then see you in the clinic a month later to assess your results and plan any peels or products that may be required to maintain your results.
What To Expect?

The peel may tingle once on, but this is generally mild. The number of sessions required will be advised for you on the day of treatment. Your skin may peel after three days, but this is not of concern if there is no peeling as everybody’s skin reacts differently. You will need to schedule appropriately to accommodate for the downtime.


Once the peel is removed your skin will be red and feel warm to the touch for a few days.

You may see a reduction in the pigmentation after 2-4 weeks after the skin cells have turned over and removed some of the pigment. The Pigmentation generally will get darker before it gets better.

After the peel, the use of prescribed skincare products will maintain the skin for optimal results; control pigmentation, decrease melanin production, promote a renewal of skin cells, improve sun damage and even out the tone and colour of the skin.

What Skin Types Can MeLine Be Used For?

  • Caucasian and Ethnic skin types
  • Acne-prone and blemished skin
  • Suitable for use on the face or body (e.g. acne on chest/shoulders, intimate areas)
Understanding Hyperpigmentation In Darker Skin Types

Hyperpigmentation, characterized by darkening of areas of the skin, primarily results from increased melanin levels due to hyperactivity of melanocytes. Sun exposure, trauma, hormones and acne can exacerbate hyperpigmentation. It is therefore essential for people, especially those with ethnic skin, to resort to specialized treatments like MeLine to effectively control and reduce pigmentation. 

How Can MeLine Help?

MeLine is scientifically proven to reduce visible hyperpigmentation by 90-95% within 60-90 days. This includes:

  • Sun-induced hyperpigmentation
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma

The MeLine treatment process is described as ‘controlled chemical dermabrasion’ and is a customised process that uses the application of MeLine’s specially formulated peel mask to lift away the top layer of dead skin cells.

The MeLine process includes preparation, peeling and a program of prescribed aftercare products to use at home. These products are designed to control pigmentation, decrease melanin production, promote a renewal of skin cells, improve sun damage and even out the tone and colour of the skin – helping you maintain your after-peel complexion!

A clinical study of 168 participants was carried out, including patients with hyperpigmentation, skin ageing and acne.

  • Excellent results in 95% of cases of hyperpigmentation
  • Excellent results in 90% of cases for the aged skin group
  • Excellent results in 85% of patients with acne-prone skin
  • Excellent results in 65% of cases with melano-hematic pigmentation
MeLine Treatment Course at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic

Embark on a journey to revitalized skin with our complete range of products. The skin care program extends over a period of 12 months. Treatment begins with a detailed skin assessment and consultation. After the peel, patients receive skincare products to maintain the skin for optimal results. Treatment includes two to three application appointments, post-peel examinations and ongoing care advice, ensuring the peel is applied with the utmost precision and care. 

When Can’t I Have A MeLine Treatment?

MeLine is not suitable under the following conditions:

  • Allergy to any of the active ingredients in MeLine
  • Recent sun exposure
  • Photosensitivity and autoimmune diseases
  • Active skin infection
  • Immediate social engagements, due to the likelihood of redness/peeling


Post Peel Care

To maintain and improve results:

  • Limit sun exposure : Your skin will be more sensitive after treatment, making sun protection essential. Opt for a broad-spectrum physical sunscreen, with a protection factor of 50 or more. Avoid prolonged exposure and wear a wide-brimmed hat during peak sunlight hours.
  • Stay hydrated : Hydration is essential. Drink plenty of water and use hydrating serums, aloe vera, and calming gels to keep your skin moist.
  • Avoid touching and scratching : Your skin may peel, but resist the urge to scratch or touch the treated area.



What hyperpigmentation conditions can be treated?

Hyperpigmentation results from increased melanin levels due to melanocyte hyperactivity. This is a sign of photo-aging of the skin due to excessive sun exposure. Melasma and/or chloasma are a specific type of hyperpigmentation which can be very challenging to treat due to their tendency to recur.

While hyperpigmentation can be significantly improved, long term results depend on regular use of a high SPF sunscreen.


What acne problems can be treated?

Acne-prone skin generally has increased sebum secretion, open pores and for many patients, redness or flushing (especially with fair skin). Controlled chemical dermabrasion can be an excellent help for patients with acne.


What aftercare precautions do I need to take after a MeLine peel?

It is vital that you protect your skin from the damage that UVA and UVB rays cause by using a high factor UVA/UVB cream every day. We can recommend Mesoprotech Melan 130 Pigment Control sunscreen. You will also be provided with products and a detailed skincare routine.


Can I have a MeLine peel in the summer?

In short, the answer is yes! But, it’s vital to use proper sun protection to reduce the risk of complications. Because a chemical peel removes the top layers of skin and reveals fresh, youthful skin, it can be sensitive and more prone to sunburn.

The skin is more susceptible to damage from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays, even with the application of sunscreen. However, sun damage itself will not affect the results of a chemical peel.


What are the immediate side-effects?

  • Immediate (same day and over the next week following your peel) after effects include reddening and flaky skin. Peeling tends to start after 48 hours and will last for up to 7 days.
  • Patients may experience swelling.


Will I Physically Peel After The Treatment?

Yes, by day 3, you will usually notice areas starting to peel.


How Long Is The Downtime After The Treatment?

Usually between 5 and 7 days.


How Many MeLine Peels Do I Need?

2- 3 sessions spaced four weeks apart depending on the pigmentation’s depth.


Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

 At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your Meline Peel will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority. 

Do you still have questions about Meline Peels? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

Book your MeLine Peel today!

Ready to experience the transformative effects of MeLine Peeling? Our experienced team looks forward to helping you regain radiant, even-toned skin. Whether you suffer from sun damage, melasma or acne, our personalized MeLine Peel can offer you a revolutionary solution, giving you the confidence to flaunt your natural beauty.

Related BLOG:

Meline Pigmentation Peel – A Game Changer In Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Chemical Peel: Post Peel Treatment Advice

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