Dermamelan Intimate

Depigmentation method for the intimate area, with dual, intensive corrective and regulating action for blemishes. Developed in collaboration with expert gynaecologists. Intimate hyperpigmentation is an increasing concern, and is one of the dermo-aesthetic treatments that generates the most interest. This is because darkening skin in the intimate area can have a negative impact on the quality of life, affecting self-esteem and one’s sex life


What Is Dermamelan Intimate?

Dermamelan intimate is the corrective and regulatory depigmenting method that yields an effective result in the short and long term to correct hyperpigmentation of the genito-perineal zone, the perianal zone, the mons pubis, inner thighs and groin.

A comprehensive solution borne of mesoestetic’s extensive experience in the field of pigmentation and that can correct, in just one session, pigment imperfections and improve the quality, turgidity and appearance of the intimate area, thanks to an effective formulation that is gentle on the skin in this area.


What Are The Key Benefits Of Dermamelan Intimate?

BENEFITS of Dermamelan Intimate:

  • Unified skin tone
  • Both short- and longer-term correction of hyperpigmentation
  • Improved skin quality and hydration of the intimate area
  • Prevention of reoccurring dark spots
How Does It Work?

Dermamelan  intimate features an exclusive dual action mechanism to achieve a result that persists over time and avoids pigmentary rebound. On the one hand, it accelerates skin renewal and peeling, greatly lightening any existing spots. And on the other, its regulatory action acts on the source of the problem to avoid the appearance of new spots.

What Is Involved In The Dermamelan Intimate Treatment?

Dermamelan intimate is a depigmenting anti-ageing method for the intimate area that yields an effective result in the short and long term in a single clinical session.

In-clinic Protocol:

A single session in the clinic where the aesthetic professional applies the mask with an intense depigmenting action.

At-home Protocol:

Continue the treatment at home following the routine specified by the professional.

The Dermamelan Intimate cream-gel is applied daily for a corrective and regulatory action on pigmentation in the external intimate area, inner thighs and groin area. It improves the texture, turgor and barrier function of the vulvar epithelium.

Apply once a day, at night.

The in-home treatment is key to obtaining the desired result.

Am I Suitable For A Dermamelan Intimate Treatment?

Before any treatment is carried out at SkinRx, a full consultation will be carried out by our medical professional to discuss your concerns surrounding pigmentation in your intimate region and may wish to examine the area.

We will also check your medical history, to ensure that there are no contraindications which could prevent or restrict the treatment from going ahead. These may include medical conditions where hyperpigmentation is a symptom, but may not be able to be treated with Dermamelan Intimate. Once both you and your practitioner are satisfied that this treatment will be both safe and suitable for your skin concerns, you can book in for your treatment.

(Other causes of pigmentation of the skin in the intimate regions which needs to be discussed in the pre-treatment consultation)

  • Addison’s disease and other causes of adrenal insufficiency
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Acanthosis nigricans is the hyperpigmentation of the intertriginous areas associated with insulin resistance and polycystic ovarian disease
  • Diabetes, dysmetabolism (diabetic dermopathy)
  • Melasma
  • Adverse effects of salicylic acid, bleomycin and cisplatin
  • Smokers melanosis
  • Celiac disease
  • Porphyria
  • Dermatophytosis/superficial mycosis
  • Hemochromatosis, genetic disorder that causes chronic accumulation of iron
  • Skin exposure from topical application of mercurial ointments in creams to bleach the skin.
Will The Vaginal Hyperpigmentation Disappear Completely And Forever?

The hyperpigmentation is significantly reduced; however, wherever there was a spot, there will always be a tendency for it to reappear. Because of this, it is essential to adhere to the home care treatment and avoid direct exposure to the sun.

What Are Its Advantages Compared To Other Depigmentation Treatments?

Other treatments, such as laser or peelings, have a corrective action on spots by removing the pigment that accumulates in the skin, but they do not avoid the reappearance of spots. Dermamelan intimate has a dual action – corrective and regulatory – to treat the root of the problem by controlling the overproduction of pigment to keep them from reappearing.

Why Should I Consider A Dermamelan Intimate Treatment At SkinRx?

The skin tone in the intimate region can be darkened due to several reasons. It could be that you have had some hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or the menopause. However, skin colouration in this region can be affected by other lifestyle activities such as waxing or tight fitting clothing, and can case embarrassment.

If you are concerned about the skin tone in your intimate region, considering a gentle and non-invasive in-clinic treatment such as Dermamelan Intimate could revitalise your confidence, especially if you are noticing your intimate relationships are being compromised by feelings of self-consciousness.

What Is The Best Time Of The Year To Do The Treatment?

Since this is an area where direct sun exposure can be avoided, the treatment can be done at any time of year.

Is The Treatment Compatible With My Usual Activities?

Since the treatment is topical, it is not invasive and the manifestations associated with it do not prevent you from leading a normal life. However, you have to adapt your daily habits as needed to adhere to the home cosmetic treatment and avoid direct exposure to the sun.

Is This Treatment Completely Painless?

It is a process in which the skin is gradually renewed in a controlled way. During the initial phase and after the treatment in the clinic, the skin is red and may feel hot, but this sensation is mild and expected and disappears after 24-48 hours.

Some clients comment that they feel a tingling sensation in the skin after the procedure and for a week afterwards.

During the at-home stage, minor peeling is normal and the area may feel sensitive at times. These effects clear up after applying the home products recommended by your specialist.


How do I prepare for an intimate peel?

The treatment area needs to be hair free before treatment. We recommend you shave/wax/laser 72 hours before your appointment.


How long do I need to use the home care cream for?

The homecare cream is to be applied PM only for a minimum of 45 days. It can then be used continuously, to help prevent further pigmentation.


How many treatments will I need?

Dermamelan is a one, in-clinic treatment and in most cases the results can be long lasting. However, the process may need to be repeated, if lifestyle elements such as tight fitting clothing or waxing affect the skin once more. The treatment can only be repeated after 9 months of the initial procedure.


What happens after the treatment?

You will need to remain at the clinic, or at least within walking distance for at least 2 hours, whilst the mask is on the skin. If by chance, it moves, you will need one of our practitioner to help adjust it for you. After the mask has been removed, you can return to your daily activities, following the aftercare advice that your practitioner recommends.

You won’t be able to shave for 7 days post treatment, or have waxing/laser in the area for 45 days post treatment.


How long do the results last?

The results can be permanent, however, if you continue to wear tight clothing, have waxing treatments or undergo any hormonal changes, a further treatment might be required. We can only treat again, after 9 months, following your initial treatment.


Why is the skin around my private parts dark? How can hormones affect the pigmentation of my skin in the intimate regions?

  • Intrinsic – hormones
  • Oestrogen plays a huge role in the production of melanin
  • Puberty – women start having more oestrogen
  • Pregnancy – the placenta produces more oestrogen
  • Menopause – women take HRT – oestrogen containing medications
  • Melanocytes in the genital area (2400 mm2) are more sensitive to oestrogen stimulation that the melanocytes in the face.
  • The genital area responds more superior to sex hormones
  • Diet – we eat more sugars which lead to inflammation and more pigment in high phototypes
  • Xenoestrogens are chemicals in formulas of all foods that we eat and can interact with oestrogen levels in women

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your Intimate Peel  will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority.

Schedule your Dermamelan Intimate Peel Treatment

Do you still have questions about Dermamelan Intimate? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

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