Hair Reduction

What is Laser Hair Reduction?

The most advanced, safe and highly effective treatment for best looking results.

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, we use the most advanced laser technology to remove unwanted hair growth. This is scientifically proven, effective, pain-free and completely safe technology which targets hair at its core by stopping the re-growth process of each hair follicle and not affecting the surrounding skin.  

The Diode removes unwanted body hair and facial hair for ALL SKIN TYPES therefore making it the best laser machine.

Our innovative laser machine boasts 3 wavelengths

  • 808nm which targets all hair types
  • 755nm targets blonde and fine hair
  • 1064nm which targets dark and tanned skin hence allowing the treatment to be half the time.

Find out more about Laser Hair Removal Procedure at our clinic:

Upon your arrival to the clinic our therapist will explain the procedure and give you an opportunity to ask any questions about its nature, the physiology of skin areas intended to be treated and discuss any concerns that you may have. If this is the first visit to our clinic, you will also undergo a general assessment and a specific review of the treated area by our registered pharmacist, to determine the medical suitability for the procedure. It is important to note that the treated area must be shaved prior to the treatment. Laser hair removal cannot be applied to unshaved areas.

Prior to the actual procedure the therapist will perform a patch-test, which is an application of a couple of laser pulses to confirm suitability of selected treatment parameters and assess your comfort level. The therapist will then proceed with the full treatment, which will be done in short steps or batches to make sure you are completely comfortable with how it is progressing. With the safety of the procedure being our absolute priority, during the entire duration of the procedure you will be asked to wear special protective eye-wear provided by our clinic.

After the completion of the treatment the treated area will be cooled further and soothing gel will be applied. The treated area will usually recover to a normal feel almost immediately after the completion of the treatment. After the treatment you will be explained about the expected recovery process of the treated area and also provided with a copy of post-treatment care recommendations.

It is critical to remember that after any laser treatment exposure to sun of the treated area must be minimised and if unavoidable a SPF 50+ sun protect cream need to be applied.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted is well absorbed by the pigment located in hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporize the pigment, disabling numerous follicles at a time to eliminate or significantly impede the hair’s growth. We use the highest technology lasers with unparalleled treatment efficacies in hair removal, especially thinner hairs that other lasers simply cannot target.

The laser emits an invisible light which penetrates the skin without damaging it. At the hair follicle, the laser light absorbed by the pigments is converted into heat. This heat will damage the follicle.
How Does Laser Hair Removal Feel?

Treatments with our laser is almost painless. Most patients describe the procedure as a “pins and needles” sensations on the skin. As the actual sensation depends heavily on the sensitivity of the treated area. The patented ICE TIP™ ensures the surface of your skin stays cool and comfortable at all times. IN-MOTION™ is today known as the best, most effective and most comfortable way to laser.


How Many Treatments Are Required?

Although the FDA has approved several types of laser for permanent hair reduction, results can vary. An individual’s metabolism, hormonal level, hair quality and a number of hair follicles can all affect the outcome.

Moreover, normal hair goes through a growth cycle in three stages: the anagen, or growing phase; the telogen, or resting phase; and the catagen, or regression phase. During the anagen phase, hair is susceptible to the laser’s energy, but during the telogen and catagen phases, it is resistant.

At any one-time, various percentages of body hair will be in each of these phases, making complete removal unlikely without multiple sessions.

Statistically it has been confirmed that on average during sequential 6 sessions all hair would have passed through its Anagen phase and targeted during one of the treatments. With that being said, individual circumstances may vary significantly, with some people reporting complete hair reduction after 6-8 sessions and some requiring up to 9 treatments.


How Long Do The Treatments Take?

The treatment time can vary considerably depending on the size of the area treated, and the particular technique used. A small area such as the upper lip may take only five minutes, while a larger area like the back or legs may take up to 45 minutes. Since the laser affects only those hairs in the growing stage, and not all hairs will be in this stage at the same time, several treatments will most likely be needed to effectively remove all the hair from one area. Subsequent sessions will be scheduled at least one month apart. By this time you will probably begin to notice the regrowth of hairs that were previously in the resting stage.


Post Treatment Advice

Appropriate care for great comfort and excellent results:

Taking a good care after the treatment is as important, if not more, as the treatment itself. To make sure you feel as comfortable as possible and to support the recovery of the treated area, it is critical that you follow post treatment recommendations.

Why Multiple Sessions Are Required To Permanently Remove The Hair Growth?

Any hair on our body or face features three fundamental stages of growth: the active growth phase called Anagen, the regression phase called Catagen and the resting phase called Telogen.

Effective hair removal can happen only during the Anagen phase. During this phase the hair develops from the follicle that is located in the dermis (inner layer of the skin) being attached to the cell that is responsible for hair formation and growth. If laser light is applied during this phase, it is capable of transiting sufficient heat through the hair itself to the connected growth and development cell, thus permanently removing it.

However during other phases the hair follicle is no longer attached to the formation and growth cell or this connection is weak. Hence the application of laser light will destroy the visible hair body and its follicle itself, but may not at all or only partially affect the underlying growth cell. In this case the hair may reappear again; albeit it will be much weaker and will also take it much longer to develop.


What Is The Difference Between Laser And IPL For Removing Hair?

While both IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) and Laser are light based technologies, they are completely different in the way of application and especially in the hair and skin impact they generate. It is therefore important to understand the key difference between these technologies:

Laser delivers a light beam only in one wavelength, which is coherent and collimated (light waves travelling exactly in the same direction and in parallel). It is specifically optimised to precisely target one component of the skin (hair follicle). Its intensity is not very high due to a concentrated nature of spot application.

IPL delivers a light beam composed of many different wavelengths of light, affecting multiple and non-specific components of the skin. IPL’s beam effectively consists of scattered photons, diverging in many directions. Due to the broad spectrum of emitted light, its scattering and divergence, much higher levels of energy must be employed to obtain sufficient penetration to reach deep targets, such as hair follicle.

The application of IPL for direct hair removal is very challenging due to a low effectiveness and adverse skin impact it may have. Using IPL for this purpose increases risk of skin burns, discoloration, blistering and scarring. It is also accompanied by higher levels of pain that may be experienced during the treatment. Therefore, the use of IPL for hair removal should be avoided.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your Hair Reduction Treatment will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority.

Schedule your Hair Reduction

Do you still have questions about the Hair Reduction procedure? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic contact at 0795229563.

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