
Dermaplaning (also known as the Scalpel Facial) is a non-invasive exfoliating skincare treatment that removes about 3-4 weeks of dead skin and peach fuzz (superficial facial hair), brightens skin, allows for better product penetration, and reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin will look smoother and more radiant. This procedure also stimulates cell growth and cell renewal.

What is Peach fuzz

Peach fuzz (Vellus hair) are fine hairs that coat most of the face and body. They act as a protective covering for the skin. Vellus hairs contribute to the dull looking appearance of skin and also inhibit product penetration. Removing vellus hairs helps brighten the skin and allows for your products to penetrate better). Dermaplaning will remove vellus hair by gently scraping across the skin with a surgical scalpel and effectively removing 3-4 weeks of hair growth and dead skin build up.

Ideal Candidate for Dermaplaning

Unlike laser and light treatments, which cannot be performed on every skin type, dermaplaning is safe on all the Fitzpatrick skin types. 


Good candidates for dermaplaning

  • Have superficial facial hair or “peach fuzz”
  • Have dry or dull skin
  • Want to exfoliate their skin to allow for better penetration of medical grade skincare products, improved efficacy of light treatments
  • Have large pores
  • Have superficial lines and wrinkles
  • Have blackheads
Dermaplaning Technique

Dermaplaning uses a surgical scalpel to gently scrape away dead skin build up and “peach fuzz”. The blade can be a carbon fibre or stainless steel – At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic we prefer to use the stainless steel blades because they give a better result. Medical grade dermaplaning cannot be compared with at home models typically sold online because of the sharpness of the blade. At home dermaplaning kits will leave micro cuts and scratches on your skin. Medical grade dermaplaning ensures smooth removal of unwanted debris from the face.

The dermaplaning process starts with cleansing your skin and applying a degreaser. Next your skin will be held taught and the blade will gently scrape back and forth across your skin at a 45 degree angle until all the dead skin and hair is removed. There is no pain associated with the treatment and most patients fall asleep during the procedure. After, serums and sunscreen will be applied to hydrate and improve texture. You may return to your normal regimen directly after the treatment, but keep in mind that you will probably be a little more sensitive to the products you are using since they will penetrate much quicker.


  • Remove the vellus hair (peach fuzz) in a quick and easy way – the hair will not grow back thicker or darker
  • Instant brightening effect
  • Removes the dead skin cells – this will create a more even appearance to the skin.
  • Better product penetration
  • Smoother makeup application
  • If you specifically looking for hydration of the skin this is a great procedure as the skin will be very receptive to any products – especially for up to a week after the procedure
  • This is a gentler way of removing the clients vellus hair as appose to threading or waxing
  • It is a painless manual exfoliation procedure which stimulates cellular turnover with little to no downtime
  • Clients who are pregnant but would like a deep exfoliation can do Dermaplaning – this is a great alternative to chemical peels
  • Dermaplaning can be performed before various other treatments – this will increase the results of the procedure to follow. Procedures that can be performed before or after Dermaplaning includes facials, laser, hydradermabrasion, microneedling and skin peels.
  • This procedure can be performed frequently (every 3 – 4 weeks)
  • It can significantly lighten post inflammatory scars from acne
Recovery after Dermaplaning

After a dermaplaning treatment, your skin will be smooth, have a nice glow, and may be slightly pink. There is typically no downtime associated with dermaplaning, but some people may feel a little sensitivity depending on how the skin tolerates the treatment. You may apply makeup after the treatment, but it is typically recommended to wait a few hours before makeup application.



There is no downtime to dermaplaning. Client may apply makeup few hours after the procedure but should avoid the following:


  • Avoid sun exposure 3 days post treatment
  • Avoid excessive heat 3 days post treatment, i.e heavy workouts, steam rooms or saunas, etc
  • Avoid facial waxing for 7 days
  • No Dermal Fillers or Botox for 2 to 4 weeks based on area
How often should I Dermaplane?

If you are using dermaplaning to treat superficial facial hair, you can perform it every 3-4 weeks, depending on soon the hair grows back. For dead skin cell exfoliation, dermaplaning is performed about every four weeks which corresponds to the rate at which skin cells turnover (28-30 days).



  • Clients with active acne and cystic acne should not undergo this procedure. You can irritate the skin even more.
  • Clients with hirsutism, a condition of excessive male-pattern hair growth in women should not undergo this procedure
  • The following clients should not undergo this procedure – you can download the indemnity form from resources.
  • Clients with Inflamed skin
  • Inflamed acne lesions
  • Skin cancer
  • Active cold sores
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Open skin lesions
  • Use of Accutane currently or in the past six months
  • The use of prescription retinol within a week of treatment
What treatments can be paired with Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning can be paired with various other treatments – this will not only increase results as the skin is much more receptive to products after a dermaplaning procedure.

Dermaplaning can be combined with a variety of treatments or procedures:

Risk, Safety, and Potential Complications from Dermaplaning

Typically dermaplaning is performed by a trained aesthetician. Please make sure your provider is experienced with this procedure. The blade used in this procedure is very sharp and without proper experience and care, there is always risk of cutting the skin which can lead to scarring. The ridges in home blades cause micro cuts and tears in your skin.

There are a few cons to this procedure that you should take into consideration:

  • The hair is not removed from the root – therefore the results might not last if it does with waxing or threading.
  • Each client has their own individual hair growth cycle therefore results may differ.
  • Although this procedure can be performed on almost anyone there are some contra indications that you need to take into consideration. Current or recent use of Roaccutane, eczema, dermatitis, malignant skin tumours, open lesions, lupus, active acne, active herpes infection, sunburn and keratoses. 
Will shaving my face at home be the same as dermaplaning in the clinic

NO! The blades purchased for at-home use are nowhere near as sharp as the blades used in a medical setting. You also risk cutting yourself and causing scarring. Please see a professional if you would like to have a dermaplane treatment.

Patients with Active Acne Should NOT Dermaplane

Patients with oily, acne, or cystic breakouts are not good candidates for the treatment. If you have pustules (puss filled breakouts) then it is a good idea to postpone the appointment. If you have cystic acne, you can still proceed with the dermaplaning treatment but you would need to make sure your provider is experienced enough because the surface of the skin will not be smooth. (Dermaplaning with cystic acne is beneficial because it allows for any treatment products to penetrate deeper into your skin.)

Myth: Hair grows back thicker after Dermaplaning


Dermaplaning doesn’t affect the structure of your hair. It will not stimulate more hair growth. Hair grows like a blade of grass. It is sharper on the end and thickens as you go down the hair shaft. If you cut the hair it makes it seem as if you have caused the hair to be thicker, but all you have done is removed the pointed end.


Your hair will grow back exactly how it was growing before. How fast your hair grows, quantity, and quality of your hair all depends on your genetics.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your Dermaplaning  procedure will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority.

Schedule your Dermaplaning Consultation

Do you still have questions about the Dermaplaning procedure? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

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