Welcome to a micro botox facial treatment that uses tiny 24 karat gold needles to apply Hyaluronic acid, a blend of Vitamin C and Peptides, as well as Botox just below the skin’s surface. No facial or serum comes close to the results you can expect with Botox Micro-infusion Facial.

The results of BOTOX MICROINFUSION Facials are different from Botox cosmetic injections. When injected, a cosmetic injectable corrects wrinkles in discrete areas of the face. The device contains 24K gold needles, each smaller than a hair follicle.

What Is Botox Micro-infusion Facial?

The Botox Micro-infusion Facial is an advanced technique available at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic. We refer to this treatment as micro-infusion, but may also be referred to as “Botox facial”, “intradermal botox”, or “meso botox”. Botox micro-infusion utilizes more dilute solution of relaxer that is distributed on broader area and more superficially in the skin, instead of the focused injections that target specific facial muscles in traditional Botox injections. The innovative micro botox technique adds a new dimension to skin rejuvenation in our clinic.


Micro botox can be combined with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C and Peptides  and infused into the top layers of the skin, to boost glow and radiance by creating a smooth texture with reduced pore size. Since we infuse tiny microdroplets of the products into your skin, there is no risk of ‘freezing’ your face or overfilling. The effect is very natural, often described as “airbrushing” working at a very superficial micro level of the skin.

What Are The Benefits Of Botox Micro-infusion?

Botox Micro-infusion is perfect if you’re looking to achieve the following immediate results on the entire face:

  • Shrink large pores
  • Reduces oil production
  • Helps prevent acne breakouts
  • Reduces pore size
  • Can help to improve the overall tone and texture of your skin
  • Create a soft, smoother skin texture
  • Reduce general flushing and redness
  • Fade the appearance of dark spots and acne scars
  • Reduce blemishes and crease
  • Hydrate and plump skin – especially around the eyes, to address crepe-like tone of fragile skin
  • Decrease facial sweating
  • Smooth fine lines and soften wrinkles
  • Tighten the skin
  • An ‘Air-brushed’ look, especially on younger skin
  • Restore radiance
  • Provides an instant glow
  • Provides deep hydration
  • Helps to plump sunken skin

To summarize, one reviewer called Skin Botox “instant glass skin” — no arguments from us there!

How Does Micro Botox Facial Treatment Work?

The micro botox treatment itself is typically remarkable. The procedure is quick. It is not microneedling, but rather tiny, superficial skin pricks with minimal downtime. Slight skin redness and swelling may develop, similar to other skin facial treatments and typically resolve quickly. Results will vary, but many experience benefits within a few days and last about three months. Similar to conventional relaxers or fillers, one should avoid strenuous activity and exercise for one day.


The micro doses of botox in the skin targets primarily the glands. Perspiration and oil is reduced from sweat glands and sebaceous glands, respectively. The glands shrink and atrophy.


Benefits of micro botox may include

  • reduced pore size
  • clearer skin
  • smoother skin
  • less oily skin

Micro botox does not target facial muscles, so facial movement and expression are not altered. There isn’t a frozen face with Botox micro-infusion facials.

Patients may still need the traditional relaxer treatments that targets muscles for certain facial lines and wrinkles. In addition, micro botox is temporary, similar to other relaxers. Micro botox treatments can be repeated every few months.


What Can I Expect During The Treatment?

The Procedure:

It’s a lunchtime treatment protocol that takes between 30-45 minutes. First, the skin is cleansed with medical-grade ingredients to remove surface dirt and debris. The customised cocktail, designed by our medical professional, is placed in the delivery vehicle. This device is pressed into the skin to deliver the  Botox under the skin. The treatment technique is finished with a Sheet Mask to cool and calm and skin irritation.

How Does It Compare To Microneedling?

Botox Facial is different from traditional microneedling in that:
It not only improves the texture of the skin through the direct effect of the tiny needle punctures, but it also delivers specialized products through channels in the tiny, hollow microneedles directly into the more superficial layer of skin that M Pen/ PRP do not. The additional effect of the Hyaluronic Acid and Botox into the skin is what makes Botox Facial unique and exciting. The Botox Micro-infusion Facial is able to target the exact depth of the skin we desire. This allows the products to be placed within the precise layers of the skin, where pores, sweat glands and skin integrity are, for precise treatment of these concerns.

Is The Treatment Painful Or Does It Require Downtime?

The Botox Micro-infusion Facial is a very comfortable procedure, which is performed without the need for any type of anaesthesia or numbing even though we have it available. You may notice a minor tingling sensation during the procedure. You may have immediate pink/red flushed skin that fades shortly after the procedure. You may feel tightening or notice sheen to the skin. Results of improved skin texture, less perspiration, less oil production, and mild tone improvement start approximately around day five. Many patients love this therapy as a replacement to all facials, with or without, regular Botox or dermal filler therapies!

How Many Botox Micro-infusion Facial Treatments Will I Need?

Most of SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic’s patients see great results from just one treatment that will last up to 3 months. The procedure may be repeated every one to three months, depending on your skin goals. This beautiful facial does not replace cosmetic Botox treatment for wrinkles and facial/neck aesthetics nor traditional injectable Hyaluronic Acid dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation.

How Is This Different From Having Botox Injections?

The difference between Botox injections and Micro-Botox has to do with both the amount of product used, as well as how and where the product is delivered:

Botox Injections: A syringe of product is injected into the specific areas of the face at the deeper level of the muscle, in order to temporarily block nerve impulses. As a result, Botox works by weakening the contraction of the muscles, in order to soften, reduce or eliminate the lines, wrinkles and furrows on the skin.


Micro-infusions of Botox: During a Botox Facial treatment, a smaller amount of Botox  (often referred to as “Baby Botox”) is mixed together with other skin-repairing ingredients. Then, this solution is infused into the superficial layers of the skin at a consistent depth over a large surface area of the face. As a result, micro-infusions of Botox do not reach the muscle, and can achieve the Botox results described above. The Botox Micro-infusion Facial is a skin tone rejuvenation technique.

How Is This Different Than Having Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers Injected?

While the Botox Micro-infusion Facial uses the same high-quality FDA-Approved Hyaluronic Acid that we inject to rejuvenate lips, lift cheeks, and fill in deep lines, you shouldn’t expect to see the same kind of changes as you would with those applications. When traditional Hyaluronic Acid dermal fillers are injected deeper into the tissues below the skin, they can restore volume. However, with Botox Facial, we’re placing the Hyaluronic Acid in very small “microdroplets” throughout the skin of the entire face to improve texture of the entire superficial skin layer. It’s the same product used in different ways to treat different concerns! If you want to restore, rejuvenate or add volume in your face in addition to improving skin quality, then dermal filler injections can be performed at the same time as a Botox Micro-infusion Facial.

How Can Botox Micro-infusion Facial Help Me?

Because this treatment can be completely customized, almost anyone can benefit from treatment.

For example, patients as young as 18 who suffer with acne can see a significant reduction in breakouts with Micro-infusion of Botox. This medication actually dials down overactive oil glands in the skin, which clears out blackheads and pimples and is also why pores are reduced in size with this treatment.


As you move through your 20’s and 30’s, a Botox Micro-infusion Facial can slow down and even reverse, early aging changes such as fine lines, and keep collagen stimulated.


In your 40’s and 50’s collagen stimulation becomes very important if you want to age slowly. Done regularly, and with a more robust combination of pharmaceuticals, the Botox Micro-infusion facial can give you glowing and youthful skin without interfering with your busy schedule.

Results And Recovery

There is minimal downtime required after a Botox microinfusion, although you should avoid sun exposure and exfoliating skin products for a couple of weeks. Your skin may feel tight and look red immediately after treatment, but these side effects will quickly improve. Most patients will see a smoother skin complexion, improved skin texture, and less oil production within five days after treatment. These results and your overall skin health can be maintained with additional procedures every 1-3 months.


Advantages of using Aqua Gold for micro-infusion of botox:

  • The direct effect of tiny needle punctures improves the texture of the skin.
  • Specialized serums are delivered through channels in tiny needles that improve skin quality.
  • Targets the exact depth of skin desired, enabling serums to be placed precisely in the selected layers of the skin where sweat glands, pores and skin integrity are.
  • Tiny injections into the superficial layers improve fine lines, contract pores and decrease oil production, sweating and redness.
  • Comfortable procedure where anaesthesia and numbing are not needed; however, it is always available.
  • Patients generally can return to their daily activities right after treatment.
Special Precautions

If you hope to treat deeper wrinkles and fine lines, we may recommend Botox injections or dermal fillers instead of a Botox micro-infusion. Patients with an allergy to botulinum toxin should not receive this treatment and we may recommend you wait if you have an active skin infection.

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your Botox Micro-infusion procedure will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority.

Schedule your EMSculpt Treatment

Do you still have questions about the Botox Micro-infusion? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.

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