How Does Cosmelan Work?

Living in South Africa we are frequently exposed to the damaging effects of the sun from a young age, which can lead to a wide range of skin concerns including premature ageing and pigmentation.

If you’re worried about pigmentation and have started researching the benefits of chemical peels, you might be wondering: “What is a Cosmelan treatment?” and “How does Cosmelan work?”

The short answer: Cosmelan is a highly effective, non-invasive chemical peel solution that is designed to eliminate blemishes caused by excess melanin production from sun exposure, acne, ageing and hormonal fluctuations. How long the treatment lasts and how often you can have it will depend on a variety of internal and external factors.

SkinRx Aeathetic Clinic is a leading skin clinic offering medical-grade treatments and dermal therapies for clients of all ages, with all types of skin concerns. Under the leadership of our director,  Yogita our pharmacist, at the forefront of treatments targeting a wide range on sun-related skin complains. As the experts in skin treatments in  Lenasia, we’re well-positioned to provide detailed answers to the most commonly asked questions around Cosmelan peels, including how the treatment works, how long the peels last, and who can benefit from undergoing the treatment.

How Does Cosmelan Work?

Cosmelan is a two-phase chemical peel used to reduce or eliminate unwanted hyperpigmentation in the skin. Cosmelan is the leading depigmentation treatment available and is usually used as a treatment for the face. The peel consists of a mask applied in the clinic, followed by a strict homecare regime.

The initial phase of treatment is applied at the clinic and ideally isn’t washed off the skin for 8-10 hours following application. Depending on your skin type, two to three days after the initial application the top layers of skin should start to peel and flake. This may be accompanied by a tight itchy feeling and some surface redness. The maintenance creams are applied at home daily, to enhance the performance of the treatment.

Melanin is produced in our skin as a result of sun exposure, hormones or inflammation (like acne) and is responsible for creating darker spots, especially in areas of high sun exposure. Melanin production is a chemical reaction that causes our skin to become tanned in the short term, but in the long term can cause unwanted sunspots that make our complexion mottled and uneven. Cosmelan works to inhibit a specific enzyme called tyrosinase which is directly involved in the production of melanin. Targeting the cause of pigmentation effectively reduces the impacts, whether your pigmentation is a result of UV exposure, hormonal fluctuations, or acne scarring.

How Long Does the Cosmelan Peel Last?

After the active treatment phase is complete, you should start to see results once your skin stops shedding (up to 10 days post-treatment). Even, spot-free, glowing skin will be revealed after about two weeks, with full results perceivable four or five weeks after treatment. How long these results last is largely dependent on patient compliance and lifestyle. Results can be extended by limiting sun exposure, wearing sunscreen every day, and taking good care of your skin with the products and regimen recommended by our medical professional.

We’re often asked: “How often can you do Cosmelan peels?”. The answer is that it depends on the underlying cause, your skin type, level of pigmentation and various lifestyle factors. In general, your first Cosmelan treatment will yield dramatic results that can last up to 18 months. However, if your pigmentation is stubborn, you may have a second treatment after six months.

Professional Anti-Pigmentation Treatments at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic

If you’ve been wondering: “how does Cosmelan work?”, rest assured it’s an effective treatment for all skin tones and all types of skin blemishes. Cosmelan is the benchmark all other anti-pigmentation peels are compared to. By inhibiting melanin production at the source, Cosmelan acts deep within the layers of your epidermis to deliver rapidly improved skin tone and a brighter, clearer, and more radiant complexion with minimal downtime.

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic we prioritise patient care and personalise all treatments to each patient’s individual concerns, treatment history and skin goals. Cosmelan is widely applicable; however, we recommend that before you undertake any course of corrective treatment, you undergo a Skin Health Consultation with our Skin Professional.

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your Cosmelan Peel will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority.

Schedule your Skin Peel Consultation

Do you still have questions about skin peels? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic.


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