What is skin cycling, and how does it work?

Love all things skincare and always on top of the latest social media trends? Then you’ve probably already heard of the latest skin-influencer beauty routine to hit Instagram and Tik Tok. Let’s take a look at skin cycling and find out why this should be top of your beauty resolutions for 2023!

What is skin cycling?

The term “skin cycling” is all about taking a cyclical approach to your facial skincare routine. Why? Using specific products on different days regenerates the skin and improves skin quality. This four-night cycle alternates an exfoliant, retinol-based product, and hydrating cream or concentrate.

The routine is the brainchild of European dermatologist Whitney Bowe who came up with the routine in lockdown. The concept stems from the idea that alternating products gives you improved results, in a similar way to physical training routines.

The products contain potent active ingredients made to renew the epidermis, so you should always apply them at night to let them work their magic as you sleep.

Dr. Vera Morandini, dermatologist

Skin cycling steps:

Night 1: exfoliation

Day one is all about exfoliation. Use a physical or AHA/BHA-based chemical exfoliant: choose one to suit your skin type and skin condition.

Chemical exfoliants contain AHAs or BHAs, which promote gradual cell renewal. In other words, they speed up the cell replacement process.

Physical exfoliants contain microparticles. As they’re massaged gently into the skin, they help to remove dead skin cells (impurities). This type of exfoliation is more abrasive and is only suitable for non-sensitive skin types.

We recommend you use broad spectrum sunscreen during the day to protect your skin following the overnight treatment.




Discover Bemiderm resurfacing gel a restorative gel that helps control sebum production, cleanses the pores and refines the surface of your skin. Renewing gel for combination, oily acne-prone skin. Purifies and retexturizes the skin, reduces excess sebum, prevent the appearance of blemishes. Gel with salicylic acid and glycolic acid.

Apply at night to clean, dry skin on the face, neck and neckline, avoiding the eye contour. A slight tingling sensation may occur during application. Do not apply to wounds and/or irritated skin.





Discover pure renewing mask an intensive purifying mask. The plastic-free microparticles exfoliate the skin and cleanse the pores, preventing imperfections. The synergism of salicylic acid, mandelic acid and sodium lepargilate provides a comedolytic, refining, anti-bacterial, and anti-blemish action.

Apply a large layer of product over the previously clean skin and allow to dry for 10-15’. Once dry, remove with water, massaging the exfoliating particles. Rinse with plenty of water.





Night 2: retinol

Retinol is the ultimate anti-aging active ingredient, treating age spots, wrinkles and expression lines, as well as the loss of firmness and brightness.

Choosing the right retinol product for your skin is key. You should start with a lower percentage concentration of retinol, allowing your skin to get used to it gradually. Retinisation (the period over which your skin adapts to a retinoid) can last up to three months, so if you notice some sensitivity at the start, don’t panic! We recommend using nourishing and calming products to alleviate any negative effects, but if your skin becomes irritated or you notice a burning sensation please consult a specialist. Plus, you should always use a sunscreen during the day.



Discover skinretin 0.3% an active cream featuring an expert blend of pure retinol and bakuchiol for intensive regeneration and renewal. Rejuvenates, brightens and revitalises skin.

The combination of pure retinol and bakuchiol maximises the formula’s anti-ageing benefits and promotes an optimal balance in terms of tolerance. In addition, by incorporating our exclusive post-biotic complex, we reinforce the skin’s renewal capacity while respecting and strengthening the skin microbiota.

Intensive night cream to treat signs of ageing:

– Irregular tone and loss of luminosity

– Deep wrinkles and expression lines

– Loss of skin density and elasticity


Backed by clinical and in vitro studies. After 28 days, our volunteers reported:

– 50%+ reduction of wrinkles

– 70%+ better skin texture

On the second day, after removing makeup and cleansing, apply a small amount of your retinol cream and leave it to act on your skin overnight.

Days 3 and 4: give your skin a rest

Give your skin a rest on nights three and four: this is when you need to hydrate your skin, with two days of intensive renewal.

  • If you suffer from dry skin, get in-depth nourishment from an intensive nourishing hydrating cream such as hydra-vital factor K.
  • If you have oily skin, you might want to limit hydration to one night only and use a lighter cream such as hydra-vital light or a concentrate like ha densimatrix.
  • For sensitive skin, it is advisable to use calming effect products such as skin balance.

So… does this mean I don’t need to use any other skincare products?

Dermatologist Dr Vera Morandini explains: “the skin cycling facial skincare routine focuses solely on epidermis renewal, but doesn’t take other aspects of skincare into account. But don’t neglect them! You should still use a facial cleanser morning and night, a face mask once a week, and your favourite products for treating areas such as the eye contour and lips.” (She would recommend a day and night routine – after all, skincare is an everyday pursuit).

I’m ready to give skin cycling a go! What do I need to think about before I start?

Dr Vera Morandini gives us her two top tips: “First, remember that you need to apply all products at night. They contain potent active ingredients made to renew the epidermis. This beauty regime is suitable for the majority of people, but if you have particularly sensitive skin it might not be right for you. We always recommend getting a professional diagnosis before embarking on any new skincare routine.”.

She also insists you should use a protective sunscreen during the day: “When you use retinol, it’s really important to protect your skin from the sun’s ways with a broad spectrum SPF 50 sunscreen”.

How long should you do skin cycling for?

Here, Dr Vera Morandini recommends following this routine for a month and a half. “This is the optimal amount of time to let your skin regenerate and adapt to the retinol. Once the adaptation period has finished, you can start with a more intensive retinol approach. You could even use it daily, depending on your skin’s level of tolerance.”

When’s the best time to start?

“If your skin has already adapted well to retinol, you could start skin cycling at any time of the year – as long as you follow the precautions we’ve already mentioned”, explains Dr Morandini. “But if your skin still hasn’t retinised, it’s a good idea to start your regime at the time of year when you’re less exposed to sunlight ”.

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