A Five-Step Routine for Reactive Skin

‘Reactive skin’ is another way to say sensitive skin. The International Journal of Cosmetic Science defines it as a skin condition characterised by abnormally high reactivity to environmental factors.  Sensitive skin can occur at any age. It’s important to be aware of what triggers your skin’s overreaction because irritants will vary from one person to another.

There is no definitive list of symptoms to diagnose reactive skin, but dermatologists look into a few tell-tale signs such as skin that become blotchy or red when exposed to certain elements, like specific skincare formulas and UV rays. Sometimes, you may experience a feeling of tightness, stinging, burning, and itching.


It can be tricky to use over-the-counter and regular off-the-shelf skincare products for sensitive skin. That’s because they may contain irritants, like alcohol and fragrance. For best results, consider looking into specially formulated products, like those made by DMK Skincare.

Once you find the right products, it is important to use them religiously and follow a skincare routine for reactive skin:


Use a gentle and effective cleanser that can remove impurities and unclog pores without causing dryness. Check out DMK Deep Pore Cleanser for normal to oily skin, or a gentler formula like the DMK Milk Cleanser.


Avoid astringents or alcohol-based oils. Look for one with a calming ingredient that can balance the pH levels of the skin, soothe your skin, and remove remaining dirt or makeup or sunscreen residue.


Serums target specific skin concerns like dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. If you have very sensitive skin, try DMK skincare products like Beta Gel, a versatile serum that also works on reactive skin.


Use a non-comedogenic and fragrance-free water-based, gel, or cream moisturizer, which will hydrate your skin and minimise irritation.


Yes—you need sunscreen  even if you have sensitive skin. Just make sure it is broad-spectrum, safe for sensitive skin, and non-comedogenic, like DMK Sunscreen.

All the products you need to calm sensitive skin can be found at SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic. Our solutions won’t just fix the symptoms. We solve the problem from the root, making sure that your skin’s function is restored to homeostasis to stop being reactive. Moreover, we’re focused on restoring your confidence by helping you regain control of your skin.

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