Oxidative stress, Free Radicals and Antioxidants

What is oxidative stress and why is it important to know about it? Whenever we see the word anti aging, we always think of oxidative stress. However, aging is only one out of the many results caused by oxidative stress.

Firstly, let us talk about free radicals. They are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of electrons. For sure the cells in our body needs oxygen to create energy but when the cells are producing energy it also releases by-products which are generally reactive-oxygen species which can cause damage to our cells. Free radicals can cause large chemical reactions in our body because they react very easily with other molecules, these reactions are called oxidation.

After the free radicals cause damage at a cellular level, it may lead to oxidative stress. At higher concentrations, oxidative stress leads to chronic and degenerative ailments such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, aging, cardiovascular disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Lastly, to reverse and prevent oxidative stress that is damaging our cells, we would need to look back at the root cause which is our exposure to pollutants in the environment and having an unhealthy lifestyle. Lifestyle matters the most; by eating healthy antioxidant rich diet, limiting alcohol, smoking, and staying as close to the nature. That is the most basic and easiest way to reduce the oxidative stress.

While maintaining a healthy lifestyle it is also important to give your body the right kind and number of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. The best way to do that is by taking IV Vitamin Therapies, and the reason is that in one drip you can get everything that is needed for your body. You can take NAD+ and Glutathione IV Drips which have high-dose vitamin c, vitamin b, selenium, zinc, and many other components that can give your body a boost and help you recover faster.

Being consistent is the key.


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