NAD+ for Depression

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Depression

In South Africa, an estimated 9.8% of the adult population experience major (clinical) depression at some point in their life, and despite treatment being available, only 25% have sought treatment and care for a mental disorder (such as depression).

Treatment is highly personalized and can require a certain level of trial and error before an ideal balance of medication and therapy is achieved in many cases.

Treatment with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide has shown significant promise for those battling depression. This coenzyme is present in each and every one of the body’s living cells, and production declines as the body ages. NAD+ supplements do exist, though their efficacy can be somewhat unreliable. Unlike oral supplements, which are absorbed inefficiently due to passage through the gastrointestinal tract, NAD+ IV therapy administers treatment directly into the bloodstream, increasing bioavailability and efficiency.

Exploring the Benefits of NAD+ IV Therapy for Depression

Replenishing your body’s stores of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide coenzyme boosts cell regeneration while minimizing inflammation and neurodegeneration. Patients often report increased mental clarity and an overall sense of wellness and a reduction in anxiety, irritability and depression. NAD+ IV therapy has also shown promise in treating chronic pain, which can be associated with depression.

Our qualified Pharmacist and dedicated care team take a personalized approach to treatment, customizing each NAD+IV therapy session to ensure optimal benefits.

Contact us today at the SkinRx IV Bar for more information on NAD+ IV Therapy and to explore the exciting possibilities of NAD+ IV therapy for depression.

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