5 Skin-Enhancing Benefits of Microneedling

If you’re deciding between skin rejuvenation procedures but aren’t sure where to start, microneedling might be the treatment to start with.

At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic, skilled aesthetic pharmacist, Yogita, offers microneedling to battle back against the effects of time. This minimally invasive procedure is highly effective at addressing the common skin flaws people want to treat without the risks of surgery.

How microneedling works

Microneedling involves creating micro-wounds on the surface of your skin. Your body reacts to the wounds naturally, sending more blood to the area to heal the damage.

Microneedling also jump-starts new collagen production to improve skin health. Collagen is an essential protein needed for healthy skin. You lose collagen over time because your body slows down its production when you get older.

With renewed collagen growth and increased blood circulation, your skin looks younger and fresher. You can also enjoy the benefits of restored volume in your face and hands and less noticeable wrinkles and fine lines.

What to expect during microneedling

To create the micro-wounds in your skin, our aesthetician uses the innovative M Pen®. This device allows us to target specific areas of your face, neck, hands, and decolletage – the sun-exposed areas of your skin that are susceptible to ultraviolet (UV) ray damage.

While the treatment is only mildly uncomfortable, we can still provide a topical anaesthetic to ensure you’re comfortable throughout your procedure.

Side effects of microneedling are minimal and might include mild redness and swelling, which go away on their own within a few days.

After your microneedling session, we can suggest an after-care skin regimen using products that support your skin’s healing and nourishment after treatment.

5 more skin-enhancing benefits of microneedling

Microneedling using the M Pen offers many benefits for adults looking to rejuvenate their skin without extensive downtime or the risks of surgery.

Five additional skin-enhancing benefits of microneedling include:

  1. Boosts skin thickness

As you get older, your skin thins out and becomes less resilient. Microneedling is a great way to boost the thickness and strength of your skin to fight off new wrinkles and lines.

  1. Minimizes acne scars

The increased production of collagen that microneedling triggers not only restored volume in your face, it can fill in areas of depressed scars caused by acne, chickenpox, and minor injuries.

  1. Fades hyperpigmentation

Sun-damaged skin is prone to age spots, freckles, and other types of hyperpigmentation. Microneedling helps break down dark pigments in your skin, so your skin tone looks more even and youthful.

  1. Reduces visibility of stretch marks

Stretch marks are common as you age, after a pregnancy, and following weight loss. The new collagen growth that microneedling stimulates helps to fill in the depressed areas of stretch marks, so your skin looks smoother.

  1. Tightens skin

After your microneedling procedure, you’ll notice your treated skin feels and looks tighter and firmer. The growth of new collagen continues in the weeks after your treatment, so your skin health and appearance continue to improve.

To schedule a microneedling treatment call to book a skin consultation online today.


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